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When the plane landed, I hurriedly grabbed my bag and hurried off away from Anthony, leaving him struggling to move the blanket off of him and grab his stuff. I was one of the first people off of the plane, so I quickly checked out, rushing to my car. I threw my stuff in the back and started the ignition, when I suddenly realized that I was Anthony's ride. I sighed and put my hands to my face.

Why didn't we take separate cars? "DAMMIT!" I yelled, leaning back in my seat. I frowned and stared out the windows until I saw a flustered Anthony looking desperately around for me. He looked heavily relieved when he caught sight of my car and ran over to it. I frowned and started the car silently while he got in. "Ian, what happened in there? Please tell me so I can make it better." I sighed loudly. "What did you dream about?" Anthony looked surprised. "Why are you asking?"

"Just answer the goddamn question Anthony! What were you dreaming about?"

His cheeks flushed a bright red. "Uh, Kalel and I, uh."

"Alright. I got it." I said, my voice less harsh. Anthony kept trying to tell him why I was angry at him, but truth be told, I was more angry with myself for enjoying it. I was still a bit pissed at him though. I pulled up at his house and opened the trunk. I carried his stuff while he unlocked the front door and set it inside. "Ian?" I looked up to meet Anthony's eyes. I opened my mouth a little, then kissed Anthony for half a second, before he realized what was going on. "One more thing." I said, getting closer. I pulled him forward and bit down hard on his neck. He half-screamed, half-moaned and pushed me off. "What the hell, man?"

I pointed at my hickey. "Now we both have stories to tell our girlfriends."

With that, I stuck my middle finger up at him and walked towards my car, leaving Anthony with his mouth agape, standing by his front door. His eyes pierced through my back like lasers.

I drove off to Melanie's house, where I knew she'd be waiting for me. It was nine o'clock, according to my watch. I hurried inside with my stuff where Melanie pulled me into a hug with lots of kisses. "I've missed you!" She held my hands and led me to the couch. Luckily, it was dark, so she didn't notice my hickey straightaway. "Mel," I said calmly. "I gotta tell you something." We sat on the couch, curled up together. I turned on a lamp and Melanie instantly frowned at my neck. "Ian," She began, already looking pissed. "Listen first. Please." I said to her, rubbing her hand. "Anthony and I were on the plane, and he fell asleep. When he sleeps, he acts things that happen in his dream out and he was dreaming about sex with Kalel and he tried doing those things to me." I took a breath, my eyes collecting some tears. "He bit and sucked on my neck and pulled on my shirt and I don't even know what to think about it, Mel. I just don't." A tear fell down my cheek. Melanie sighed. "Babe," She made me lay down and pulled me close. "I'm not mad. You've never lied to me before."

Except I had lied. I liked what Anthony did to me on the plane, no matter how much I deny it to anyone. I left out the part where I kissed Anthony and gave him a hickey as well.

She turned on a movie and all I could think about was how guilty but lustful I was feeling.

Anthony's POV

Sighing loudly, I looked in the mirror at the hickey Ian gave me. It was pinkish and purple at the same time, which made me sigh once again. Why wouldn't Ian tell me about his hickey? He was obviously pointing fingers at me, which made no sense. What the hell happened on that plane ride? I grabbed some extra makeup Kalel left at my house and tried covering it with some concealer and powder. I thought it looked okay after that. I just didn't want her getting pissed and asking questions I didn't even know the answer to.

I drove to her apartment, a bit nervous. I knocked, and as soon as she opened the door she engulfed me into a hug. "I thought you were the pizza guy!" She laughed. "But this is even better!"

I fake laughed and kissed her on the cheek. Soon, the actual pizza guy came and Kalel set up the 'food blanket' so we could eat on her bed. We talked about what we missed out on the past week then started watching movies on Netflix. My phone soon buzzed with a text. It was a text from Ian, saying to meet him at the park by the grocery store. I scowled at my phone, replying 'Why, are you going to rape me?'

He replied quickly. 'No, you dumb shit. I'm going to explain everything. Now hurry your ass up before I change my mind.'

I looked up at Kalel. "Babe, I'm gonna run to the store to grab some snacks... Anything you need?"

"No," She replied, kissing me again. "I'll be back soon," I said, walking out the door. Luckily, the park and store were close to eachother. I drove to the park and saw Ian sitting up against a tree, frowning at something I couldn't see. I walked up to him, and his eyes widened when he saw me. "Sit." Was all he said. I sat next to him.

"You, gave me this... in your sleep. You pulled on my shirt with your teeth, you, lay down on my lap with your mouth facing my crotch. It was like you were having sex with me in your sleep." Ian said, very calmly.

"Why the hell didn't you wake me up?" I yelled.

Ian's eyes teared up a little. "I- I liked it. And," He added. "You hate being woken up."

My eyes widened, and I stood up, giving Ian a hand to stand up with me.

"I-It wasn't Kalel in my dream, Ian. It was you."

He looked up at me, our eyes staring deep into each other's. When we both started kissing, I knew this wasn't going to let up easily. It was deep, intense kissing. "My place." I said through the kissing. Ian and I separated and hurried to our cars. Screw Kalel and Melanie, this was our night and if Ian liked what little I did on the plane, he'd love what I'd do in a little bit.

When We Flew (Ianthony)Where stories live. Discover now