"Shut the fuck up, Taehyung. I'll fuck your ass up mercilessly, don't even try me."

Taehyung let out a scoff and continued eating the food.

"Now, where's that little bitch who put peppers on the food." Taehyung answered by pointing to his bedroom and Jimin rushed up the stairs with loud stomps and broke the door knob with one hard twist. He looked left and right to see a small figure under the blankets and a small sight of a book and pencil moving under. Jimin rushed inside and harshly pulled the blankets off of Jungkook which scared him a little bit.


I looked at Jimin hyung in front of me with fear and tried to back off as fast as I could, but I was too slow.

He pulled both of my earphones and his hands went straight to my neck, blocking my only source of breathing.

I whimpered in pain and quickly grabbed his arm to try and pull it off, but it only made him hold my neck tighter and tighter causing me to slightly get light-headed from the blockage.

"H-hy-hyu-ng.. ah- a- I- c-can-can't- br-bre-"

"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU PUT PEPPERS ON THE FOOD." He screamed in my ear angrily, causing it to ring badly.

Tears were threatening to fall as he grasped my neck even tighter than before, making me even more light-headed... possibly pass out after a longer period of time.


"I-I- d-did-didn- ah-" I can't speak... I think I'm going to pass out..

My eyelids were slowly closing and my grip on his arms slowly loosened. I was about to really pass out before a deeper voice saying "Let him go so he can talk, you idiot." Interrupted his chance to kill me. With that, he released my squeezed neck and I fell on my knees, coughing aggressively due to the sudden air passage going out. I held my neck lightly, wincing at the slight bruise and wiped my tear-filled eyes with the hem of my uniform.

I looked up at Jimin hyung and that is something I don't want to see again. I looked back down slowly to avoid any contact with any of them and slowly rubbed my neck.

I saw his knee fold into two and I looked up to see him face to face with me. My eyes widened and shaking with fear was my immediate reaction. My lips quivered, so I bit on them slightly to stop it.

"Why did you put peppers on the food?"

"B-because it w-would taste bl-bland if I-I didn't.."

He slammed his fist on the table beside us, causing a picture frame to fall down. He looked back to me and lifted my chin harshly.

"Next time you make food..." His hand made way to the buttons of my polo, harshly tugging on them to open it.

He looked at me straight in the eye. "You better make it nicely with no spices..."

He went all the way down to my last button and grabbed the both sides of my clothes and pulled it down. The cold sensation of my room sending chills throughout my frail body, he continued.

"Got it..?" I nodded in response and watched him grab the water that Taehyung was holding and splashed it throughout my body. The coldness of the room and the water was hard for me. It felt like I've been in the freezer for so long.

Jimin hyung stood up, and Taehyung hyung came up to me next and squat down to my level.

"Hm... Be glad that I went down for you. I don't do this to anyone." He scoffs and his hands made way to the back of my hair and pulled it harshly.

"I have a question..." He looked at me with, eyes filled with amusement.

My eyes wandered off to my other brother who walked up to me and sqautted down next to Taehyung hyung.

I looked at the both of them and gulped lightly on what they plan to do.

"Say... Who do you want better?"

Taehyung raises his free hand and hits me on my chest.

"Answer him."

Jimin takes his right hand and slaps me hard, twice.

My teary eyes are back again and Taehyung pulled my hair so I'm facing both of them.

"Are you going to answer?" They asked in unsion.

I kept on staring at them, not hearing what they just asked.

The both held up their free hands and slapped me again.Taehyung hyung pulled my hair again and asked if I was going to answer, but I didn't. This cycle kept on going on until here I am, back on the cold, hard floor. My bare back against it and my head limp in between the crease of the wall and the base. Me looking up at them was the worst feeling I could ever get, but I can't... I want to stand up for myself, but I'm weak.

They both smiled sweetly as they helped me up. My shivering self couldn't bare to hold up by strength alone.

"We're sorry... Maybe if you answered us, you wouldn't have to experience this."

For some reason, something in me just snapped. Maybe if I answered them? Are they kidding me?! I've done all of the things they wanted so they can be happy and this is what they return to me. Out of nowhere, a burst of confidence striked in me and I looked at Taehyung hyung and Jimin hyung.

I tilted me head as I looked at both of them disgustingly.

I saw their fake apologetic look morph into sterness.

Sigh... I've had enough of their games. It's probably time for me to end it.

I took my hand and lifted it up with the left over strength I have and I slapped both Jimin and Taehyung. I saw their faces turn into shock as I laughed in drunk-like way. I pointed fingers at them and pushed their chests harshly, not making any affects on them since they're stronger.

"I'm tired of everything, you know? What you do to me, what my co-workers do to me, what my classmates do to me, and what I do to myself. I'm tired! I'm. Fucking. Tired. Why couldn't you just help me out, you pieces of shit? Didn't you promise me that you were going to protect me? Where is my protection? All I see is my completely broken armor still getting damaged. I thought I would get to have older brothers that will love me for who I am, not for what I can do. This is fucking stupid.. I thought.. I thought..." I cried. I've cried in front of them. Oh how shameful I must look. I can't believe I've shown them my weak side. They're probably laughing at me. They probably don't even care.

After finishing all my sobbing, I wiped my tears and looked up slowly to them.

But I was left with an empty room.

I nodded. I laughed and cried at the same time.

"Of course... It's them.. Why did I expect them to have a soft heart on me.."

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