Avi swallowed the lump in his throat, "Thanks. It seems you're really my only real friend (Adam laughed softly). So, uh, how do you know what I'm going through?"

The pair sat together as Adam explained everything about that night five years ago and what transpired the few days after he was kicked out of his childhood home. Avi's jaw hit the ground at what he was hearing! 'And here I was thinking my parents were bad!' Avi thought to himself. Adam explained how a fellow homeless man had taken him under his wing and taught him how to survive. When the best times were to hit up the homeless shelters for things, what things to ask for.

"Where am I going to sleep tonight? I have nothing but my jacket." Avi whispered so low Adam barely heard him.

"Cutie, I'm not going to just throw you to the wolves. Especially with Rowdy eyeballing you the way he is. You can crash in my tent tonight. Like I said, tomorrow, I'll take you down to the homeless shelter and you can get a sleeping bag to sleep in which will help. We'll have to find you something to make your camp with, too." Adam finished thoughtfully, brows pulled together.

"Uh, Rowdy said I should make my camp further down that way. The way Sparky and I came in because I was a newbie. Where do you think I need to make my camp? I don't want to step on anyone's toes or anything..." Avi quickly stated

"You can make it near mine. I'd rather keep you close. Something tells me Rowdy is going to give you hell." Adam let his eyes wander Avi's body, "If you have any talents, you should think about going out and finding somewhere to sit during the day and utilize them. Any source of money-making is an asset to you."


"I'm sure I'm forgetting something. I think of it eventually and let you know." Adam looked at the exhausted young man, "Are you tired?"

Avi didn't want to admit it. He hated this situation, hated knowing he was going to be living out on the streets with no heat to keep him warm. He couldn't look at Adam as he barely nodded his head yes. The blond knew how he felt all too well. He'd been the very same way five years ago.

"I keep an extra sleeping bag in my tent. Roll it out and get comfortable. Your body needs rest, your mind needs time to process things. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." Adam's soft voice hit Avi's ears.

"Thank you, Adam. For everything."

The blond could only smile as he moved so the smaller man could get the extra bag and roll it out. Throughout Adam's time on the street, he had learned a few things. How strong he was, for one. How to fight, when to fight and when to run, how to defend one's turf, how to lead a colony of people. Sparky said he was a natural leader but Adam thought the old man was crazy. The blond kept glancing back at Avi as the newbie laid there trying to sleep.

The following day, Adam took Avi down to the homeless shelter as promised. Avi felt ashamed for being here. All the volunteers were very kind and friendly as they gave him what they could. Avi still needed to find stuff to make his "camp" with. Adam suggested actual tent and boards to help keep the wind and snow off. Avi had a little bit of money in his wallet but he wasn't sure if he should spend it or not.

There were shops nearby that threw out the pallets their merchandise came on so Adam helped Avi gather them up to help make his camp. He still needed a tent of some sort. Something durable. Even a heavy-duty tarp would suffice. Avi sighed when he realized the closest place to get a tent or tarp would probably be Wal-Mart unless one magically appeared. Adam clapped him on the back before giving him directions.

The small man was trying to stay upbeat about things but since he was searching for a tent to be his home, it was hard. Walking into the Wal-Mart, the music hit his ears and for a little while he was happy again. As he was browsing the camping section for tents, he frowned looking at the prices. 'These are way over what I even have the money for!' he sighed. He began quietly singing along to the song that was playing overhead, not paying anyone any mind, as he debated with himself on whether to try and get a tent or go to the automotive section and get a tarp.

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