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The plane had landed about five minutes ago and I was still trying to find my way to the baggage claim. Looking around, I gasped and slightly ducked.

Fucking Wildcat is here.

Fucking shit. I did a quick look around the place and to my relief, I saw the baggage claim with my bags still on there. I jogged over, trying not to catch Tyler's attention. It's not that he'll recognize me but what if he asks me a question? He'll immediately recognize my voice. Shaking my head, I had grabbed all my bags and made my way over to the exit. Out front, to my surprise (not) Tyler was there. He was on the phone with one of our friends, I assumed. I stood nearby. I know it's bad to eavesdrop but who was he talking to?

I could faintly hear whoever was on the phone;

?: did you land yet?

T: yep, fuck face Mini still isn't here yet. He's going to drive us to our hotel.

I froze in my place. Who's us?

?: Welp, I'll be landing soon, I hope.

T: alright, Evan.

I froze in my spot. Evan.

I totally forget he's coming, oh shit, suddenly I don't feel so good.

I quickly waved over a taxi, putting my stuff in the trunk, I quickly hopped in; not before locking eyes with Tyler. His eyes seemed to glint in suspicion.

I looked away and murmured the address to the driver; Ramada Hotel. (a/n; Not an actual hotel there). He nodded and sped off, leaving Ty in the dust. I sighed and leaned back, rubbing my face.

"Rough day?" I didn't even bother looking.

"No, more like 'Soon to be rough day'.

He nodded.

Sighing again, I looked out the window.

I was startled out of my stance to the taxi coming to a sudden stop.

"We're here, sir. Your total is 68.37."

I nodded and fulled out a hundred, handing it to him, I climbed out. "Keep the change." He grinned, nodding a thanks.

I walked to the back and pulled out my bags. After closing the trunk, the guy drove off. I turned and looked up at the building, in amazement. This place is huge. I looked around and my eyes widened. There was Evan. And he wasn't alone. The rest of the guys were with him; Wildcat, Terroriser, Mini, Basically, Lui, Nogla, Moo, Panda, Scotty and fuck, even Luke was here.

Luke noticed me and he gasped quite loudly, I made a shushing motion to him before the guys noticed. They seemed to not long after, I gasped myself and quickly rushed into the building. I looked behind me to see them sending Luke confused glances and he was just shaking his head, as if he was frustrated.

Sighing, I walked up to the desk.

After checking myself into a room for three days, I unpacked my laptop and some clothes. After a while, I fell back onto the bed.

Maybe a little nap wouldn't hurt.......

Butterflies (h2ovanoss) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now