The Group

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It was an early morning, the sun was slowly rising over the horizon and the birds outside where chirping sweet songs. Or maybe they where cursing humanity out for what we're doing to our planet but who knows.
Everything was calm. Well until a a voice rang through out the house of the Mulligan's.
"Hercules! It's time to get up sweetie! You're heading to camp today!"

This voice belonged to Sarah Mulligan. The younger mother of Hercules Mulligan, who was currently in bed.
Sarah made her way into his room, repeating herself, "Herc! Get up! You have to go to camp!"
"Five more minutes.."
The thirteen year old grumbles from under his covers, turning away from his mother.
Sarah puts a hand over her heart before she got an idea.
"Looks like I'll have to resort to drastic measures!"
Hercules knew exactly what this meant. But he was to stubborn to give in now.
And in a matter of seconds he was screeching and trying to fight off his mothers hands that where wiggling at his stomach.

"Yes my darling son?"
"Will you get up?"
"Aaaaand do you love me?"
Sarah knew she was pushing it but she wanted to enjoy this moment for a little longer. Hercules nods frantically, still wiggling around as he laughs. "YES YES YES! STOP-!"
And with that she did, lightly kissing his forehead.

"You have thirty minutes to get ready before we have to pick up James, Lafayette and Thomas."
The mother hums before exiting the room and going back to her wife.
To which Hercules salutes her and stands up, stretching and trudging over to his closet.
He pulls out his binder, his favorite shirt that read 'Hunk'. It was a sleeveless shirt that was given to him on his and Lafayette's first date. This resulted in Hercules sobbing his eyes out about it for a while and Lafayette trying to calm him down.

Hercules chuckles a bit before beginning to get dressed and after heading to his bathroom to brush his teeth and brush his short and insanely curly hair.
This quickly turned into him jamming very loudly to Heathers, mainly Blue because he was a dumb middle schooler who loved dick jokes ok.
After his little session he slides out of the bathroom and falls on his face.
But he got the fuck back up again, because he's Hercules Mulligan.

The teen scrambled to his feet and grabs his back pack, which had his sketch book, pencil case, a spare asthma pump for James, and some other stuff that's pretty unimportant.
He also grabs his tiny suitcase, filled with clothes, duh.

Hercules slides on his shoes and heads out of his room, beaming.
His moms where standing by the door, chatting before turning their heads to him.
"You ready, Hercules?"
"Honey, don't you mean, Hunkules?~"
Jenna adds, rolling her hips.
This caused Hercules to blush and face palm.
"We're sorry! We're sorry! Now cmon! We gotta go pick up James and your friends!"
And with that they where off.

They pulled up to the Jefferson's house,  Hercules automatically booking it out of the car and to the front door. Rapidly  pressing the doorbell.
There was a loud, and annoyed, "Coming!" That called from the other side of the door. Definitely Thomas.

Sure enough, it was the fluffy hair idiot.
He looks down at Hercules and smiles.
"Yo! What's up? You ready for camp?"
"Obviously! I can't wait! You guys ready?"
"Yeah! Just gotta get Laf and James from upstairs!"
Thomas grins, running up a flight of stairs and there was a loud scream and Thomas came booking it down the stairs, laughing.

This concerned Hercules as he saw a pretty much naked Lafayette book it down the stairs. He looked like he either was changing or was getting out of the shower.

Hercules' face turns maroon but he couldn't stop staring.
Lafayette soon took notice to Hercules being in his house and smiled at him, walking over completely forgetting he was literally in nothing but boxers and socks.

"Bonjour, Herc! Are you ready to go?"
"Laf you are literally naked."
Hercules wheezes out, his face bright red.
Lafayette looks down and chuckles, shrugging.
"Well shit. Be right back!"
He chirps, running back upstairs and getting dressed.
Coming back down with James, and their bags, James looked tired and ready to stab someone.

Hercules laughs and runs over to him and embraces him in a hug, kissing his forehead.
"Hey Cuz!"
"Hey Herc."
James chuckles, smiling as Hercules pulls away and heads out the door.
"Cmon guys! We gotta' get to camp! And hopefully beat the others!"

The small group cheers and climbs into the backseat of the Mulligan's car.
There being only three seats in the back so it was between Hercules or James to sit in one of the others laps.
Of course Hercules chose to like the dork he is and sat on Lafayette's lap, who rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around Hercules. The smaller giggled, leaning back, setting his head on Lafayette's shoulder and pecking his cheek.
Lafayette smiles and blushes a bit, turning his head a bit to kiss Hercules back.

To which Thomas groaned at, leaning against the window.
"Ew! Stop being obnoxiously cute!"
The group laughs at Thomas' comment, rolling their eyes at him.
"What? I'm right!"
"Whatever! You're just jealous of how cute we are!"
Lafayette sticks his tongue out at Thomas, who does it back.
Classic sibling bickering.
"Fuck you!"
"That's incest!"
"I swear to god if y-you guys don't shut u-up I'm pushing both of you out."
And that shut them up fast.
"Thank you."

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