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"Well, what do you have to say for yourself?" Harry jumped and flinched slightly from the angry voice. The bag of food in his arms shifted slightly and he hurriedly readjusted it. Turning, Harry struggled to keep his discomfort from his face. Kunikida appeared to be in a fine mood now. The man's blonde eye brows were scrunched in the distaste usually reserved for bugs and his eyes seemed to be dissecting Harry layer by layer. It was rather off-putting. A heavy stack of folders shifted dangerously in the man's hold before he readjusted it.

"Err, I'm sorry?" Harry offered in confusion. He wasn't quite sure what he'd done to make Kunikida so mad but figured an apology was a good place to start. Unfortunately, his apology only served to stoke the flames of the blonde's rage.

"Such lackluster mannerisms. Its no wonder you ended up as you are." Harry grit his teeth to keep from growling. Honestly, he still didn't know what the man was throwing a tantrum over and there was no reason to be so rude or callous. And manners? Really? Was an apology so rude as to deserve that kind of rebuttal?

"Excuse me? I'm still not quite sure what I've done that requires an apology yet. Also, I'm supposed to be delivering this to the main office room, so if you'll pardon me," Harry returned fire curtly. He hefted the bag a little to indicate what kind of delivery he was making to the office. Kunikida wasn't done yet, however.

"Really? You've got a seven-billion-yen bounty on your head, and you don't have a clue as to what kind of danger you've brought the agency into?" Kunikida said lowly. The man's deep gray-green eyes glittered dangerously with burning emotion.

"Oh, that." Harry had thought he'd done something different, like snubbed him accidentally or stolen his favorite marker for his notebook.

"Yes. That." Kunikida snarled. Harry shrugged.

"Its not like I asked to be here. If I had my way I'd already be halfway across the country by now." Harry replied flippantly but with a frosty edge of annoyance hidden in his tone. Within him, Harry could feel his tiger instincts beginning to pace agitatedly. This man really did manage to rub his fur the wrong way every time he opened his stupid mouth. It was as if he was trying to rile Harry up.

"How ungrateful! You're daring to blame this on the agency!? If it weren't for the curiosity of my partner and the President's ill-timed mercy you'd have already met your death by an execution squad." Kunikida spat venomously. His shoulder's tensed in barely controlled rage while his grip on the stack of folders tightened until his knuckles turned white. Harry straightened and looked Kunikida dead in the eye.

"Like I said. The only people keeping me here are you and your agency. If you let me go you wouldn't have to deal with me and my ungratefulness!" Harry rebutted.

"Why you little-!"

"Kunikida-kun! Hari-kun!" Dazai's voice was Harry's only warning before he found himself glomped by the curly haired detective. The taller male looped one string-bean arm around Harry's neck and pulled him close. The burning tension that had been festering died a sudden death at the cheerful detective's appearance.

"Kunikida-kun, do you have the files President-san asked for? He's been waiting over ten minutes you know~! If you leave him waiting too long, his long-term memory functions will begin to deteriorate without any stimulation." Dazai said with a grin.

"Wait, really?" Kunikida asked in surprise. He tilted his head slightly to the side and furrowed his brow in thought.

"Yes! Hurry and write it down! When a person waits too long for something, their long-term memory suffers because they aren't getting enough mental stimulation." Dazai dictated. Harry's eyes widened as Kunikida hurriedly pulled out his note book to begin scribbling frantically in it. Hadn't they already done something like this at the restaurant? And then...

"Wow, I never knew that!" Kunikida murmured in surprise.

"Just kidding." Dazai said flippantly, as he threw the arm not looped around Harry's neck into the air to wave nonchalantly.


Kunikida's pen snapped ominously and all the tension Dazai's appearance had washed away, suddenly flooded back. A dark aura shrouded Kunikida and the man's steel green eyes suddenly appeared red with blood lust. Harry chose that moment to politely remove himself from the situation by running for his life. It was very efficient. Really.



An explosion rocked the wooden floors beneath Harry's feet and he stumbled to his knees. The take-out bag skidded a few feet in front of him but thankfully did not spill.

What in the world?

Harry gasped and hurriedly stood. "What was that?" He asked aloud. When the were-tiger went to look out the window, he was unnerved to see a plume of dark smoke rising from a few blocks away. Sirens sounded and the few pedestrians on the street began to hurry in-doors. A fire truck wounded the cornier before speeding down another street. It was quickly followed by a gaggle of police cars and ambulances.

"Oh? Looks like some one made the port mafia angry again." Harry squeaked when Dazai's voice sounded from right behind him. Harry whirled to face the irritating detective.

"Don't do that!" Harry exclaimed.

"What? Make an intelligent comment on the state of life outside the office? Oh, Hari-kun you wound me~!" Dazai placed both hands above his heart and took a few trembling steps back as though truly harmed by Harry's request.

"No! Don't sneak up on me!"

"Ohhh... well then. Don't let me catch you unawares." Dazai grinned. Harry grimaced and forced down his irritation. No, it would not help him to growl or bat at the annoying detective. Despite how much the man was asking for it.

"So that was the Port Mafia?" Harry asked as he gestured back to the smoke rising in the distance.

"Mmm... it would seem so. Their Black Lizard group likes to cause a ruckus and generally muck about like the little attack dogs they are." Dazai sniffed disdainfully. "They have absolutely no understanding of the word 'restraint'."

"So, they're basically a bunch of explosion happy people allowed to run wild?"

"Not wild, per say. Just a very long leash. And a more correct term would be violent-happy. They don't always cause explosions; just most of the time."

"Ah." Harry grimaced. He was still pretty confident that he could take care of himself, but having such a dangerous group after him would make looking for Sirius more difficult. Harry sighed and turned back to the fallen take-out. He lifted it and headed past Dazai and into the office.

"Hey guys, I've got the take out!" He called to the working detectives.

"Yay!" Came the collective cheer.

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