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It burned. Hotter than Fiendfire and colder than the Dementor's breath all at once. Liquid fire raced through the nerves of Harry's torso to his brain in burning volleys of malicious flame. It hurt horribly. But it was not the worse pain Harry had ever experienced. This Akutagawa fellow was powerful and good at inflicting pain. But he was not Voldemort.

And that made all the difference.

Harry gasped as he struggled to stay on his knees. In front of him, Junichirou continued to look horrified while Naomi looked a few seconds away from a panic attack. Behind him, Akutagawa's measured steps clipped steadfastly closer. A pale hand gripped Harry's hair and pulled the wizard's head back harshly. Harry gagged as the movement pushed his ruined chest forward. Blood dribbled from his mouth in crimson spurts. Harry pulled in another painful breath and turned his eerily cat-like eyes to the gray pair above him. Though he continued to gasp painfully, there was no mistaking the challenge still residing in Harry's eyes.

"Are you not afraid? You should be." Akutagawa gripped Harry's hair tighter and painfully lifted him a little further off the ground.

"Fear death." Akutagawa turned his attention to the Tanizaki couple. "Fear slaughter. Those who desire death have an equal desire to die. Therefore... I suggest you tell me where the Were-Tiger really is. After all, we both know that your sister has no ability... and your own is perfectly useless in combat." Akutagawa then gestured at Harry's shuddering form. The wizard was fighting for every breath. Blood trickled from his mouth and gushed from the hole in his stomach. "Unless of course, you fancy this future?" Akutagawa chuckled darkly and shook Harry's form roughly. Harry spit out another glob of blood and looked to Junichirou's reply.

"I-I," Junichirou stuttered. The red head glanced between his sister and Harry, obviously overwhelmed. After a moment, his gaze settled on Harry and hardened. Determination filled his stance, though he still trembled slightly.

"I'm sorry but that information is c-confidential." Junichirou said. Through the pain, Harry felt a spark of surprise. Even though Junichirou hadn't known Harry that long and had probably assumed the worst based on what he'd heard, the young ability user was still sticking up for Harry.

"Your choice." Though softly delivered, there was no mistaking the change Akutagawa's words caused. The tension filled air became charged with unmistakable blood lust as dark shadow and blood colored lightning sparked at Akutagawa's feet. The mafia member dropped Harry casually to the side as he began to step forward. Harry gagged up another fistful of blood when his body collided with the ground. For a moment, the wizard's eyes only perceived random splotches of light and darkness as his nerves shrieked in agony.

When Harry could see again, Akutagawa was halfway down the alley. Beside him, a darkened beast of wispy shadow and violent energy followed impatiently. Harry had to blink for a moment at the sight of it. Primarily, the creature was merely a floating, demonic head with a long trail of energy leading back to its master. Crimson lightning danced dangerously along its form. Though it couldn't hold a candle to what Harry had seen in the Wizarding World, it was certainly the strangest thing he had seen in this world.

"This is your last chance to tell me where the Were-Tiger is. Rashoumon has no more patience for your defiance." Akutagawa threatened. At the end of the alley, the Tanizaki couple huddled close to each other. Naomi clung to Junichirou's back and gazed with wide eyed fear at the dangerous beast approaching them. Junichirou wasn't much better. Though he tried to place his body between Rashoumon and Naomi, his knees were knocking together, and it was obvious the young detective was distinctly terrified.

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