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"Of course we're going to follow him," Tom said, as he slid his key into the front door of his house. "If he's not safe in his own house he's not going to be safe out there on his own. It's kind of our responsibility. We're pretty much ready to go whenever anyway. School and uni are finished. If we set out now we can track him down and still make it in time for the Monument Grove festival." The others nodded in agreement.

He jammed the key around for a while, and tried the door handle, before eventually the door opened from the inside with Tom and Max's dad behind it.

"I wondered who it was," he said with a smile.

"Hey, Dad," Tom said, looking away with an uncharacteristic shyness.

"I got your message. Did you come to get your stuff?" he asked Max.

"Yeah, and Tom came to get his keys for the car," Max said.

"Ah, well come in."

Simon opened the door and everyone made their way inside.

"This is Lily and Becky, by the way," Max said, introducing the two. They all swapped smiles and awkward waves.

"How 'bout you two help Max pack?" Tom said, suggestion heavy in his voice. The implication eventually sunk in, and all three went upstairs.

Tom and his dad stood staring at one another for a while before Simon hooked a key out of the bowl next to the door and tossed it to Tom.

"Thanks," Tom said, and went back out of the front door.

He opened up the garage and tried to fit the key into his banged up car. He sighed and walked back out to his dad, who was now stood by the front door.

"You gave me the wrong key; this is yours," Tom said, handing it back.

"Nope, I wanted you to take the jeep," Simon replied, smiling.

Tom stood silently for a moment before grinning broadly at the key in his hands.

"That's awesome, thanks Dad. There's no way we could have fit all our stuff in my crappy motor."

"Well exactly. Off road too; I know it's a tough drive up there, particularly if you're going to be flitting about looking out for this Daniel boy."

Tom nodded and pressed the key into his palm, "Look, Dad, I wanted to say something," he stopped for a while, never looking up. "I guess I'm sorry. Not for anything in particular just...stuff," he shrugged.

Tom gazed up. His dad seemed taken aback, his face slightly concerned.

"Me too son. I guess I assumed you needed me to be both parents. I didn't count on you not needing either."

"It's cool, Dad. I'm doing fine," Tom replied, not too convincingly.

His dad drew him in for a hug and Tom relaxed.

"I've got something else for you," Simon said, digging in to his pocket, "Here."

He passed Tom a small, black box, about the size a ring would come in. It was wooden, with gently curved edges, but fairly weightless. Tom examined it between two fingers; the only discernible thing he could see was a tiny keyhole on one of the sides, lined in gold. He tried to open it but naturally it was locked.

"Should I know what it is?" Tom asked, inspecting it more.

"No. And you hopefully won't," Tom looked up, confused. "It's something you need to keep close to you. But you should only use it when the time's right."

"Didn't have you down for riddles, Dad. How do I open it?"

Simon simply smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Take care of it. Don't lose it."

"Dad, it's a locked box with no key and no clue as to what's inside. Why should I?"

"Curiosity," Simon beamed.

Just then Max, Lily and Becky came out of the front door, Max struggling under the weight of a packed suitcase.

"I thought we were travelling light?" Tom said, hastily shoving the box into his pocket.

"Your brother decided he needed at least two pairs of swimming trunks among other oddities," Becky commented.

"You really never know," Max said, adjusting the weight he was carrying. "This'll fit in your boot, right?"

"Actually, Dad's letting me take the jeep," Tom said, holding out the key and walking over to the garage.

"Really?" Max asked his dad, who nodded, "Wow. Presuming I'll eventually get the house then?"

"You'll be lucky," Simon replied.

Tom drove the jeep out into the street and helped his brother put his suitcase in.

"It was nice meeting you girls. And boys, look out for each other. Together you might make one competent mind," Simon said, ruffling Max's hair while giving him a hug, and giving one final pat on the back to Tom, who nodded in reply.

Everyone piled into the car, Becky taking the front seat as to avoid sitting next to Lily. They all soaked in the peacefulness, each breathing a sigh of relief.

"Everyone ready?" Tom asked, looking into the rear-view.

"I think so. Just got to get the rest of our stuff," Lily said.

"And then where?" Becky asked.

Tom laughed and put the car into gear, "Who knows."                

The Wild Ones - Part 2 - The CatalystWhere stories live. Discover now