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Tom slid down the tree and hastily laid out his tired legs. They'd reached camp, or at least a vast array of tents, and he, along with a barely conscious Daniel, had been tied to a tree on the outskirts. It was only by the arms, however, which gave Tom the opportunity to relax after their lengthy trek.


Tom looked up to see Vince, the burly man who had previously knocked out Daniel, towering above him, blocking out what sunlight wasn't already being shielded by the treetops. He threw a green, bruised apple down at Tom's feet.

"An apple. I'm supposed to eat this how?" Tom asked, using his knee to get the apple closer to him.

"If you're hungry, you'll find a way," Vince replied. "Open up."

Without warning he immediately started squirting a water bottle into Tom's face. The shock made Tom recoil at first, but he was just about thirsty enough to suffer through the humiliation and catch what water he could in his mouth. Vince let out a bellowed laugh and paced around to the other side of the tree.

"Hey pillock, open up," Tom could hear him stretch down to shake Daniel awake.

"Is he OK?" Tom asked.

He waited for a reply. And then heard Daniel choke and splutter out water. He presumed that was the only answer he'd get.

Vince walked back around and stepped in front of Tom's gaze. He pulled out a roll-up from his back pocket and struck a match against a nearby tree.

"Got one going spare?" Tom chirped up.

Vince exhaled a lungful of smoke and turned around. He let out another, dark bellow and flicked his dead match at Tom.

"It's getting dark. I'm watching over you tonight so get comfortable and no funny business. I'mma get something to eat." Vince took one last drag and snubbed out his cigarette into the ground. Tom watched him walk into camp as far as his neck would allow.

The groggy sounds of Daniel coming to emanated behind Tom. He crooked his neck around and could just about see Daniel pulling himself up to a sitting position.

"Daniel, you OK?" Tom asked.

Daniel groaned slightly and rubbed his eye. "I've never been hit before," he said.

"Somewhat surprising," Tom replied, mostly under his breath.

Tom thought for a bit before sighing and sliding his way around the tree. It hurt as much as he expected, the rope digging deeper into his wrists, but he was eventually next to Daniel.

The right side of Daniel's face was a disturbing purple, and his lower lip was cut and swollen. Tom realised chafing wrists was getting off lightly.

"You don't look great, mate," Tom said, offering a smile.

"I probably should have done something, huh? Hit back?" Daniel said, furrowing his brow.

"I don't think you could've taken him, in all honesty. Maybe next time keep your mouth closed as a pre-emptive measure."

Tom hadn't meant it as harshly as it had sounded, and so he was a little surprised when Daniel simply gave a meek nod.

"Not good with people eh?" Tom attempted to ask.

"I guess I don't see many. And those I do see are--"

"Posh twats?" Tom interjected.

"Yeah, I guess," Daniel said solemnly.

"Well you've got us now. Heading out on a big journey. Or, at least one that lasts a few days," Tom nudged Daniel. He nodded.

"I still don't get anything. Like, how we know each other. Or what we're going to be doing."

Tom went to answer then stopped himself and smiled. "Me neither mate." He looked out to the camp as people began lighting torches, and a roaring flame rose from the wood piled up in the centre. "I don't think we're...special as such. I just think we have a lot to learn. Which isn't saying much, we are teenagers after all. But I mean, maybe this is not so much a test as a learning period. A chance to better ourselves, for whatever reason. I kinda wish I knew I had it in me to change, but..." Tom drifted off and looked to the dirt below his feet.

Daniel didn't say anything for a while. Tom wasn't sure he'd even heard him. Or, perhaps, understood him.

"Like 'The Wizard of Oz' then?" he said at last.

Tom was so taken aback he let out a laugh, "Yeah, I guess so. Which one are you?"

"Guess I'm the stupid one," Daniel replied. Tom's smile fell. "Do you think you can help me?"

"How'd you mean? Help you do what?"

"Become something. The way you talk to me; it's like you care. I don't have any brothers or sisters, but you already seem like one somehow."

Tom smirked, "Yeah I've already got a little brother. One's enough I think."

It was silent for a while.

"One's enough," Daniel repeated quietly.

Inadvertently,Tom had set off a chain of events that would change his life. With that phrase,Tom had caused death and joy, fear and love, loss and redemption. And yet thisstory was never about him.     

The Wild Ones - Part 2 - The CatalystWhere stories live. Discover now