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"I think that's Adam talking to them now," Lily said. She was in full prone position, gazing through a pair of what she suspected were binoculars primarily aimed at ages five to seven. Max had briefly returned home to get them, along with a notepad and a heavily outdated map that they had since thrown away.

Max knelt down next to her and beckoned for the binoculars, "So he's the guy in the rags? Looks like we could take him."

"And what about the rest of them?" Lily asked, pushing herself up off the ground.

"Let me see," Becky said, not waiting for a reply and simply snatching the binoculars for herself. "I see a burly guy, and I assume the other one's Adam and...wait is that Daniel? Slumped out next to Tom?" Becky went to pass the binoculars back to Lily but she shook her head and simply squinted.

"Yeah, I think so. What the heck's happened to him, he looks a mess?"

"We better get in there before anything else happens," Max stated, as forcefully as possible. "Everyone ready?"

They looked at each other and waited a tad too long before nodding and heading off in their respective directions.

The girls skidded down a sharp embankment and rushed into the camp. It was fairly quiet, but they could make out the sleeping shadows of people in their tents. Becky picked up a twig from the doused fire and Lily took a lighter out of her pocket. After a few failed attempts the twig burst into flames and Becky flung it back on the heap.

"Hey! Bird brains!" Becky yelled. For good measure she ran up to a tent and shook it vigorously. Lily rolled her eyes.

Slowly but surely people began poking their heads out of their tents, rubbing their eyes and stumbling to action.

Max, meanwhile, was full sprint. He ran, the wind whipping at his face, as he felt his body begin to change. He felt the power, the strength, the weight change within him. Within seconds he was next to the tree that Tom and Daniel were tied to, and face to face with the guard watching over them. Vince seemed to take several second looks at the nine-foot bear that now towered over him, bellowing from its' lungs, before tripping over himself back into camp. Max watched him leave before shifting back to his human self and regaining his composure.

"Took you long enough," his brother chirped up, giving him a smile.

"Yeah, well these are big woods," Max said, kneeling down and untying Tom's hands. "Genius idea with the picture, though. Didn't think you had it in you."

"Turns out I'm a prodigy in times of need. Can you hurry up a bit please? I don't think your distraction's working too well."

Unfortunately for Lily and Becky, Tom was correct, it was not going all that well. The fire had indeed awoken the camp, and, at least for now, was buying Max the time he needed to free Tom and get them out of there. They had not, however, fully thought through the getting away themselves part.

"What the hell's going on?" a woman yelled, having just now awoken.

"Hey, Lily. You haven't ever been in a fight, have you?" Becky asked, the two slowly backing out of camp.

"No. Well, I pushed over a creepy guy once. Kinda accidentally knocked him unconscious. But no, no fights."

"Right well, uh, keep your arms up. Don't panic. And just flail if nothing else."

And with that, Becky gave a fearsome right hook to the newly awakened woman, who promptly collapsed into the tent behind her, causing it to in turn collapse to the ground. Lily watched on in horror, before quickly turning around and dodging a fist flying at her.

"Come on! I hate to use the 'I'm a girl angle' but...come on!" Lily whimpered. The man simply stared at her before throwing another jab. Lily deftly blocked it with her forearm and kicked him in the shin. It felt surprisingly satisfying, she thought.

Becky was trading blows with a man twice her size with frightening ease. Two heavy hits to the abdomen and he was down. A second, rake like man surprised her from behind, pulling back her arms and dragging her away.

"Lily!" Becky yelled.

Lily rushed over and, slightly unaware of herself, gave the man a swift punch in the face. He recoiled, letting go of Becky, as blood splattered out of his nose.

"Oh geez, I didn't mean to hurt him," Lily said, watching him retreat, horrified at herself.

Becky swiftly pushed Lily to one side and kneed an approaching attacker where it hurt most. "We never do," she sighed.

Two more grunts ran in, followed by another two, overwhelming the girls and surrounding them. They were grabbed and restrained, despite heavy resistance from both of them.

"Well,well," Lily recognised the voice. "The pretty blonde's brought help." Adampushed his way through his wounded men and admired his new prisoners.    

The Wild Ones - Part 2 - The CatalystWhere stories live. Discover now