Chapter 3

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Lisa's P.O.V.

It's Friday and we got our last two tests of the week.

'There's no hockey training because Elmary felt sick -when she feels sick, a dinosaur sneezed in her face or something like that- and can't talk because her voice doesn't work she said in her e-mail.' I said to Julie.

'I know, my mother told me hahaha,' Julie said, 'after school I'm going to grab my luggage and in the evening we're going to Milan. There's my hotel, we'll stay there one day and then we go to Orbetello.'

'Really? Milan! Wow! First we go to Brescia and we're also staying there for one day and then we go to Orbetello!' I replied.

'Are you going to the Abercrombie&Fitch? And Gap? And Kiko?' I asked her.

'Yes, of course! I'm looking for a dress or a lovely t-shirt at the A&F, at the Gap for a jeans and at the Kiko for golden nail polish and eyeliner.' Julie said.

'Do your little brother and sister like it when you're going to all these shops where only you are going to buy something hahaha?' I asked her.

'Yes, they love Milan because when I'm in a shop, they'll get an ice cream and then they really love me, because I want to go to a shop and they can eat a lot of ice creams hahaha.'


The girls went to Italy that evening. Julie to Milan and Lisa to Brescia. The girls hugged each other and the next time they'll see each other is in Orbetello.




Hey guys! This was a short chapter, but I think this was the right moment to move to Italy haha! I hope I can update the new chapter soon and I hope you enjoyed it! Please vote and comment 💙

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