I'LL HEAL YOU (I)(Edited)

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Meet Our Hero And His Miseries

Abhay Raichand..

Popularly known as AR 'The Pop king of India'. Only his family along with few close relatives know him by his real name.
A happy go lucky guy, basically a sunshine that can lit through any darkness, his family and music were his reasons to live, had everything a loving family and a shining career.

But they says nothing is permanent in this world..and one night cruel destiny snatched all his happiness in a single blow ..... his parent died in a car accident. He couldn't take this heart wrenching news and maniacally ran out of the hospital he didn't want to believe that his parents left him and they will never come back.
......but seems like destiny wasn't satisfied with the amount of pain given to this poor soul and on the way he got smashed by a car and was severely injured, after much struggle they saved him...but Abhay was already gone.

but Abhay was already gone

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Mrs. Madhumita Raichand grandmother of Abhay her personality similar to a coconut hard on outside and softer and pure inside.
But witnessing the death of her beloved son and daughter-in-law left her broken. But she still stood strong for her grandson who was on the verge death.

When Abhay woke up she was more than happy and rushed to meet him.

Standing infront of the room she took a deep breath and opened the door not before hiding her vulnerable side with a big smile.

She sat on a chair attached by the bed with her gaze fixed on Abhay who was just staring at the ceiling with a blank face.

After being silent for few moments.

"Abhay!...I know what you are feeling right now but we can't do anything against fate son...y..you need to be strong..strong for me..fo..." she started with a shaky voice.

Abhay didn't move just remain silent.

" for yourself..." she stopped not getting any response, she felt something wrong.

She reached for Abhay's hand and squeeze it but receiving nothing in return, she got really worried.

She again tried to get his attention and whispered " Abhay?..."

Madhumita could already felt the tears tugged at her eyes. She placed a soothing hand through Abhay's hair but the boy doesn't move.

" Baby...please say something ..." her voice cracked as her emotions get better of her.

Tears fell freely as realization set in.

Something was definitely wrong with her grandson.

In doctor's cabin

"Doctor what's wr...wrong with him? Why isn't he moving or talking?" Madhumita choked out.

Doctor tried to calm the devastated lady in front of him but failed horribly.

" Mam please calm down..."

" how can I be calm when I know there's something wrong with my grandson?"

"Mam I request please a take a sit panicking isn't going help either."

When Madhumita finally calm down doctor continued

" Mr. Raichand is suffering from catatonic depression (looking at Madhumita's confused face he explained) it's a state when your body is awake but your mind shuts down, making it's impossible to move or speak..since he's so traumatize by his parent's death his mind went into depression."

"Can't he just snap out of it?"Mudhumati asked.

"No, it's not that easy. He may come out of it on his own or maybe need treatment. It's too soon to tell. In the meantime you need to stay close and engage him, talk to him." Doctors explained.

" Can he hear me??" Madhumita asked.

" yes, he can hear you and he needs to know that you're here for him." He finished.

Madhumita went back to her grandson's room with a hope that soon her Abhay will snap out of this daze and she'll get her old jolly grandson back.

She arrange everything and they shifted to shimla as she didn't wanted live at the place where she lost all her happiness and doctor said it'll be helpful for Abhay condition too.

She also requested the hospital authorities to hide Abhay medical condition from media not wanting to add more troubles in her poor grandson's life.

Days turns into week , weeks into months.

But instead of improving Abhay' s condition started getting worst.

He started getting skinny , eyes always fixed on the wall until they close due to exhaustion. He even started having nightmares.

That was something unbearable for Madhumita. Slowly but steadily her heart was breaking.

" you said everything gonna fine, then why my Abhay is like this? If anything happens to him I'll sue your hospital." Madhumita spatted, she had enough.

" Mrs Raichand it's not in our hand, we are trying our best. Pills are not working on him and it's not our fault." Abhay's doctor Mr. Roy tried justify.

"So what you wanna say that my Abhay will die like this?" Madhumita was getting hyper by every second.

"Mam I already told you that we have only one option left in our hand and that's ECT (Electroconvlusive
therapy -an electric current is passed through the scalp to cause a brief seizurein the brain. )..."

( If you want to know more about ECT then please Google it cause author is too lazy to explain😧)

"No way I won't let you guys do that to him.." Madhumita shouted.

" Then it's up to you Mrs Raichand, just remember that your grandson's life depends on your decision." With that doctor walk out of the house.

Abhay's Grandmother went to his room and kneel down beside Abhay.

"p-please Abhay, I need you please come back to me...I-I can't let them do ECT...I know it gonna effect your brain and can leads t-to d-de...." she couldn't complete her sentence as she leant her head down next to Abhay and let her whimpering sobs take over.

That night she remembered how her friend suggested her about hiring a psychotherapist and she decided to give a try....

Hello everyone...

The medical stuffs in this chap depends 30% on Wikipedia and 70% on my imagination, so don't take it seriously in real life.

Please ignore the grammatical mistakes.
@user857185 thanks for suggesting  Abhay's Grandmother 😙

BTW ...I hope you will like it...see you in the next update till then keep voting and commenting .

Keep smiling.☺☺

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