"Have you talked to your parents, yet?" I asked for he said that he'd talk to his parents just before few days.

"And you had to be the killjoy." He said shutting off his phone down and putting it in his jacket pocket.

"I am just asking."

"Well, I have not talked to them and I am not even planning anytime soon."

"You know that you'd have to tell them at some point, right?" I said concernedly.

"I seriously don't want to talk about them right now, Sarah."

"Okay, it's fine. But whenever you plan to tell them, just know that I'd always be there on your side, ok?" I said linking my arm in his.

"Ofcourse, you'll have to be there bitch." I chuckled on his comment and we continued walking.

But we had to stop on our tracks as someone stood in front of us wearing a black hoodie with grey pants and white headphones attached to the ears. And that someone was Jake.

I was stunned to see him as I did not expect him to be here. He was panting heavily and sweat was dripping off from all over his face.

He smiled and said, "Hey."

"Hi. You here?" I said surprisingly.

"Yeah, I was just running some errands here. You here?" He said shifting his gaze from Neil to me and then back to Neil.

"Yeah, I have my French classes here."

"Okay." He said nodding his head. He stood there with us for half a minute as if waiting for something to happen and so I was about to strike up a conversation with him, but a very strange thing catches my eye and becomes culpable to get my full attention. 

I see my father driving his car on the road. The strange thing about this is that his office is nowhere located in this area. His office is basically situated in the suburbs. Not only this, but I saw an unfamiliar woman seating on the passenger seat beside him. The first thought that flashed in my mind was that she must be working in his office. But as far as I saw, she had worn a casual t-shirt, which is definitely not a formal wear. Not a casual t-shirt, atleast.

I was brought back from my trail of thoughts and the state of paranoia, into the reality by the nudge of the hand of Neil. I became totally oblivious to the fact that Jake was still standing right of me, and we had not exchanged any more words further. Maybe he wanted to say something to me but then he refrained and said:

"I should probably go. See you later."

"Bye." He probably did not hear the bye, as he passed by us hurriedly.

As he went away, I realized that I had totally forgotten to introduce Neil to him in the midst of the paranoia that I was caught in due to my dad. I quickly erase the budding paranoia in my mind and made a point to myself to ask my dad about it later today.

And as for Jake, I guess he won't mind this lack of introduction as he was preoccupied with all his running errands and stuff. I kept in mind that next time they meet, I'll surely introduce them.

"Whoa. Whoever he is Sarah, let me tell you, is the hottest and the most delicious piece of dessert I have ever laid my eyes upon." Neil said with eyes still fixated on Jake who was barely even seen.

"Shut up! And just so you know, he is Jake Smith, a new bug this year."

"Oh! I bet he is the bad boy of this town, isn't he?"

"Nope, you are wrong this time Mister-I-am-am-always-right, in fact, he is the goody-goody of this town."

"How come you know that?" He asked clearly intrigued to know him.

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