Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

I wake in the morning, the sun shining across my legs. I reach out, and feel the bed is empty. I sit up quickly, disappointed. Where is Cauis? A piece of parchment paper lays on my bedside table. I grab it quickly, and read Cauis' neat handwriting.

My beloved Esmerelda,

I didn't wish to wake you as you looked so peaceful. Please forgive me for not being by your side. I've gone to speak with Septimus' father, Clide, about us, to try and get answers. Do not fear, I will climb out your window so your father does not see me. I will return to you by midday.

All my love,


I clutch his note to my chest. It is almost midday now. I rush out of bed, and dress quickly. As I make my way out of my room a weird feeling starts tingling in my fingers. It radiates up my arms, and through my whole body. What is happening to me?

Get outside, Esmerelda! I hear Cauis' voice shout at me. I look around, but don't see him anywhere. How peculiar. His voice sounds so close to me. I take another step, and feel myself being torn apart, from the inside out.

Outside, now! I hear Cauis' voice again, and without question, I rush outside. Just as the cold winter morning's air hits me, I feel myself explode. I scream in pain, and fall on the path just outside the front door. I try wrapping my arms around my body, but I stop and look with horror at my hands. They are not hands. They are big light brown paws. My body begins to shake as I try to comprehend what has happened to me. I hear movement from inside the house, and before I can even think properly, I run away heading for the trees. I couldn't let my father, or anyone, see me like this. When I make it inside the cover of the trees, I keep running. What's happening to me?

Esmerelda, stop. I hear Cauis again, but still can not see him.

Where is he? I ask myself.

I'm coming. Head to the south, I will meet you. He answers my unspoken question.

I turn, and run as fast as I can to the south. It feel so odd to be running with four legs, instead of just two. I trip over myself several times. After five minutes, I hear someone running towards me in the opposite direction. I stop, and back away, trying to find somewhere to hide. Before I can find an adequate place, a large brown wolf tears through the tress.

I growl at them, fear taking over me.

It's me, Esmerelda. Cauis. The wolf stops a few paces away from me, slowly it lowers itself to the ground. The wolf makes no move to come towards me, it just looks at me. It's green eyes the exact same as Cauis'

Realization slams into me. I lunge for Cauis. We roll, and Cauis is now on top of me.

Can you shift back? I hear Cauis ask me. How is he talking to me? His lips aren't moving. We are mated now, Esmerelda. We can communicate silently.

You can hear my thoughts?

Cauis dips his head, answering me, and then gets off me. Do you think you can shift back?

I have no idea how to! I didn't even know I could shift into a wolf in the first place!

Just breath, and picture your human form. Cauis explains to me.

I take a deep breath, and I feel the same tingling feeling spread all over my body again.

Splendid! Now, shift again so we can get you home and clothed. I do as I'm told, and suddenly we're running back to the north. In a matter of minutes, Cauis and I are outside my still open window.

Shift, and climb through. Cauis says, looking around us. The fire in my room had gone out at some point in the night, and with my window open, it is freezing in my room. I quickly grab a clean tunic, and look back to see Cauis' naked body climb in my window. His body is well toned, my mouth waters at the sight of him. I notice his tunic from last night is still on the floor, I grab it, and hand it to him. I couldn't think clearly with him naked.

When he's dresses, he comes up to me and wraps his arms around me. His lips meet mine, and we both moan. To soon for my liking, he pulls away. I open my eyes, seeing him properly for the first time since becoming mates. My whole body aches for him. His eyes shine with love and something else. Fear? What is there to fear?

"Septimus' father has never heard of such a thing." Cauis answers my unspoken question, keeping his voice low. "He fears for how this will be received. I could already see it in his eyes, Esmerelda. He fears me now. He fears what may become of us."

"Master Druses may have answers." I offer him. "Let us go see him." Before he speaks, I wave my hand and land us right outside Master Druses' front door. We didn't even have a chance to turn and knock, when the door is flung open.

"You two best get in here." Master Druses says hurriedly, scanning the area around his home.

We quickly dart inside. As soon as the door is shut, Master Druses holds out his hand and pins Cauis to the wall with his power.

"What were you thinking, Cauis?" Master Druses shouts at him. "Have I taught you nothing your whole life? When your family perished, was I not the one who took you in? Raised you as my own flesh and blood? Was it not I who stood by you? How could you betray me as thus?"

Cauis chokes on Master Druses invisible hold around his throat. I bring my hand up, and force Master Druses to let go, sending Cauis to the floor coughing.

"You will not harm him, Master Druses." I spit at him. I bring my hand up again, and choke him as he did Cauis.

Cauis comes to my side, and lowers my arm. "Enough, both of you!" Cauis looks at Master Druses. "Forgive me, I did not think when I went to Clide's. I had questions about mates. I did not think that you would be able to answer. Please, forgive me."

Master Druses rubs his neck where my powers had held him. "The rumors are true then? You have mated with Esmerelda?" Master Druses asks us shocked.

Cauis looks down at me lovingly. "Aye. I have."

Master Druses looks between us, trying to solve a puzzle. "You must leave. I do not mean just my house, you are always welcomed here, both of you. But word has already traveled through the village. The vampires will come for you. This mating, it's unnatural. They will see you dead. Both of you. I can not see harm come to either of you."

"I can not leave my family." I say stepping forward. "I will not see them come to harm."

Master Druses shakes his head at me. He looks at me, his eyes hard. "You can not protect your family now, Esmerelda. You must run. Run far away, leave Rome. Leave the Republic. Save yourselves."

Thanks for reading!


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