Chapter 4: Briar

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We've moved away from the register so the cashier won't hear us. I look goth girl in the eyes and cross my arms. Honestly her little posey of five other kids might seem like a stupid thing to be afraid of, but it's honestly kind of scaring the shit out of me right now. Not that I'm gonna let them know that.
"What. The. Hell. Do. You. Want?" I growl. She doesn't seem phased.
"What the hell do we want? What the hell are you doing? You're out in the middle of nowhere, alone, and out of money!" She's agitated, but honestly from the vibe I'm getting from this girl, that could just be her personality.
"Why do you care?" I mean it.
"We were kids in the same situation as you-"
"What kind of situation do you assume I'm in."
"You can drop the act. There are no schools out here, so why do you have a backpack?"
"Camping." I know it's a lame excuse.
"Uh huh. No camping grounds either. Have you seen this place? We're in the middle of nowhere." She stares me in the eyes and drops her voice. "We're not gonna call the cops. We wanna help kids like you."
I don't say anything for a minute. "Why?" It's barely a whisper.
"That... is a long story. Bascially all you need to now is, evil parents, running away, keeping eachother safe on the streets. Soo... let us help you?"
I consider this. They honestly seem pretty genuine. I could use a place to crash, it's just it's like these kids can already see right through me and I don't want them to notice anything else.
"I-" I start.
"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FREAKING KIDDING ME!" Goth girl is pissed, then I understand why. Police sirens in the distance. Blonde girl looks at blonde guy.
The blonde dude shrugs nonchalantly. "I don't know. Vic was supposed to do it. I was trying to fix the gear shift."
"YOU GUYS ARE INSANE! OUT! NOW!" She points at the door and looks back at me. "Last chance."
I hesitate for half a second then decide these guys are much better than being arrested. I hustle after them.
"Who even saw it out here?" Asks the blonde girl once we reach a giant frog-like vehicle (I'm not even gonna ask).
"Don't know, don't care!" Shouts blonde guy over his shoulder. He opens a hatch in the back of the ship thing. "You better be able to fix this shift Vic."
"I swear Chase, blame me for your stupid mistakes one more time and i'll-" Traffic Cone yells back at him.
"ENOUGH! I'm NOT getting aressted today!" Yells Gothy.
"I don't want to get arrested! This would have never happened if I had just stayed where I belonged!" Cries one of the younger girl wearing red rain boots, a maroon dress with red flowers and dark braids. That worries me, is that gonna be me? Do these kids just grab strangers of the streets?

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