Chapter 2: Nico

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Karolina notices I've turned around and slowly pulls her eyes away from the Green Haired Girl. She looks at me and scrunches up her face slighty as if to say "What the heck?".
Okay, so it might not be super weird to see a teenager wandering around a convenience store but, 1. This convenience store isn't close to the city (Or even the suburbs for that matter). 2. She's alone. High school kids normally have that "social clique" thing going on, and 3. She has a backpack. Granted that could be a book bag, but I don't imagine there are many high schools that close to this place. Chase stranded us in the middle of nowhere. I'm honestly suprised I haven't seen a tumbleweed yet.
"I'm not one to jump to conclusions, but are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Karolina whispers in my ear. Her face is an inch from mine. I tense up, possibly even blushing. God, I hope she doesn't notice.
"Yeah." I whisper back, still watching the girl. Her back is to us now. We're hiding awkwardly with our backs against a shelf. No one better see us or we're screwed. She's looking at a rack filled with thinks like orange slices and snack mixes.
"What do we do?"
"Nothing. At least for now. Maybe she just drove out here or something."
"Why would she do that though? Nico, what if she's in trouble?"
"Let's just wait and see what she does." Right after I say it, someone put's their hand on my shoulder. I turn around.
"Jesus, Chase!" I scowl at him. Molly, Klara, and Victor are behind him. He throws his hands up.
"Damn, boss. Little jumpy today?"
I ignore him, still tracking the Green Haired Girl.
"What are we looking at Minoru?" Chase follows my eyes. "Oh. New crush?"
"Stuff it Chase." I growl.
Molly has come to investigate what we're looking at. Her purple hat with a cat face on it is pulled down so low it almost covers her eyes. "That girl kind of looks like Gert." I shush her. She points to the girl as if we need any clarification. We're the only ones in here, beside the cashier at least. Chase grimaces at Molly and she looks at her shoes wandering back to Klara and Victor.
"Soo... what's the deal with lonely hipster girl over there." Chase inquires.
"Keep your voice down, Chase." Says Karolina.
"Why are we staring?" Chase whispers.
I turn to Chase finally looking away from Green Hair. "Doesn't all that", I say gesturing towards her, "seem a little odd to you. We're in the middle of freaking nowhere."
"We're not that far out here." Says Chase looking slightly offended.
I frown. "She's giving me a vibe."
"Girlfriend material vibe." Chase mumbles.
I roll my eyes.
"Can we just talk to her? What if she actually is a runaway?" Asks Karolina.

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