C h a p t e r F i v e | R e c o v e r y

Start from the beginning

"I called you in to get your side of the story," Adam explained. Ty blinked back from his train of thoughts and happily complied to Adam's request. He explained everything that had happened. Down to the detail of when they stopped teleporting, being stuck in a tree, and convincing Seto to step forward and end the madness that ensued. He gave him enough to get a good understanding of what happened, but kept the conversation he had with Seto exclusive. Some stuff he said seemed too private to tell anyone else about. Adam would worry about something already behind them, and he wouldn't want him to. It was better to leave it at that.

Adam took in every word Ty told him, closing his eyes to visualizing the scenario. He was connecting the dots in his head from the story Seto had told him to Ty's. Truly, the amount of trust he has on Seto has been straining lately; and no matter how much he hates to admit it, Seto's been a pain in the ass to keep track of. No matter how much he wants to believe Seto, he really wanted to hear the story from a different perspective. Though it only proved Seto is still as trustworthy as before despite his usual tantrums and random outbursts. Adam understands why he's like this, all those years of life and events being a burden to maintain. It's even possible that somethings come back to haunt him, but what?

He nodded approvingly and looked back up at Ty, "That story checks out." Ty sighed in relief, glad this interesting event has finally closed. He's glad Seto is back and how everything can start like new again. Ty sends a warm smiles over to Seto as he exclaims, "I'm glad you're okay." Seto still didn't budge from his ignorant stand. He continued to refuse any attention to Ty, not even flinching after being talked to. Even after relieving the weight he had on his shoulders, Ty could feel a new one beginning to loom over him once more. Though it might seem far rigjt now, he hopes his relationship with Seto improves.

"I'll be back to check up on you Seto," Adam grabbed Ty's shoulder and began walking him to the door. "In the meantime, sit still and rest."

Seto gave Adam a menacing side glare, obviously annoyed by those two terms. He's not the one to just sit still and rest. He wants to be doing something more productive than wasting away in a bed. It helps him keep his mind busy and gives him a sense of self worth. If he were to relax, the only thing he would find enjoyable is a good book; but Quentin asked him to refrain from reading since his vision is a bit wonky after getting hit in the head repeatedly. He can't do anything unless he purposely disobeyed, but just for today, he felt like doing what they asked of him.

Adam caught on to Seto and stated, "I'm serious." Seto rolled his eyes and dug himself deeper into his bed sheets -- the last thing he wanted to do was socialize. Ty felt uncomfortable during that one sided conversation. He wasn't sure what exactly happened, but he felt the tension building up between the two of them.

They exited the room and found the rest of Team Crafted standing right outside, awaiting further info. They were noticeably calm since Quentin has a way with words during stressful situations. Jason was the first one to speak up by asking, "Can we see him?" Adam shook his head, "Not now, he needs to rest. But we need to talk about the elephant in the room, Ty."

Ty was brought back to reality from the sudden acknowledgement. He took a moment to think about anything, but he must've gotten lost in it if he was genuinely surprised by being called out. "Huh, me?"

"Do you want me to set up the meeting room for this?" Ian questioned Adam. "No, we're doing it here since it's pretty important to call it out now," Adam clarified. "A few hours ago, Ty officially became a part of Team Crafted. As much as I want to give him some serious work to do based on his role, I believe priority number one is teaching him combat. He's proven too vulnerable and that's not good information to have out there for our enemies and status with other kingdoms to discover."

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