"Are you just gonna RUN all damn day!?" He roared.

His hand slowly drifted towards his pocket. A devilish smirk creeping along his face.

"You're dead kid...You pissed off the wrong gu-" He trailed off, a look of confusion now taking hold.

"Looking for this?" I said waving his knife.

His eyes widened.

"How did you..."

"I took it when I ducked past you dumbass." I smirked.

I tossed the knife to the side and dashed towards him, catching him off guard. I threw a jab square into his face, making him reel back. I followed with a swift kick to his leg making him buckle under his own weight.
Falling to his knees, he didn't even have time to make a sound before I finished it with a hook of my own to his chin. An effective three-hit combo. He slumped to the ground, his face landing into the cold puddle of beer.

The bar suddenly erupted into a sea of cheers, startling me as id completely forgotten they were there.

"DRINKS ON HIM!!" I yelled, and the cheers grew louder.

I turned around and walked back to the bar.

David smiled.
"Thanks, I owe you boys a drink sometime."

"Vincent didn't do shit, so how about we make that two free drinks for me?" I said laughing.

"Oh no you don't, we're even now, remember? I'll take that drink dave." Vincent noted.

"You sure love keeping tabs you crook..." I said raising an eyebrow.

David chuckled. "What brings you boys in here today?"

"We have a job, our client is in the backroom already." Vincent declared.

Davids expression noticeably darkened.
"Oh...you guys took that one?"

"Of course, it's just a search and find and the pay is great." I said happily.

David sighed and signaled for us to follow him into the back.

"This one seems to be a bit more complicated than just that guys." David warned, opening the door to the back of the bar.

"We'll handle it like we always do." Vincent said confidently.

"...Alright" David said reluctantly as he held the door for us.

The backroom was a hidden area in the back of kobbys exclusive to just us bounty hunters, or handymen as we call it. People who had jobs for us come here and post their requests on the board. Though sometimes, the clients would wait here themselves, to personally make requests or hand out payment.
It was a pretty big room, complete with a pool table in the center, a few small booths and it's own smaller bar. Sammie, the bartender back here noticed us and waved. Vincent waved back and I blew her a kiss. To which she immediately cringed and looked away. Besides us, there were five other handymen here. Two of which we recognized. However, they all knew us. We were pretty famous after all.

"He's the one in the black suit, corner booth...He gives me the creeps if I'm honest you guys. Whatever job he has for you, just be careful?" Dave said, worry laced in his voice.

"Thanks Dave." Vince said giving him a confident smile.

Dave closed the door behind us and we made our way further in.

"Well if it ain't Vince and Grey!!" Said a familiar voice.
I sighed at the sound of my name being called. Mainly because I knew exactly who was calling it.
He stood from one of the booths in the corner, a hulk of a man really. His muscles rippling through his white short-sleeved tee. Long red hair dangled in front of his face and down to his chest where a pair of dog tags lay. Vince and I were both pretty tall. I was about 6'0, while Vince was around 5'11. This man towered over both of us, he was probably at least 6'8.

"Hey, Gunther..." I muttered.

He put his huge hand on my head and ruffled my hair as usual... Although seemingly condescending, He was just that friendly. It still irked me that he always treated me like a kid though.

"And hello to you my friends, what brings you in today?"

"We have a client here who wants to give us a job, cash upfront." Vincent said, eyeing the man in the black suit behind the pool table.

"Ahhh...Well, good luck to 'ya little ones, and be careful. That man right there seems a bit odd. There's no doubt in my mind this job o' yours won't be pretty." Gunther said scratching his beard.

We waved goodbye and headed over to our client. He was a very sharp looking middle-aged man. His black pants clean and well pressed to match his equally clean black suit. As we approached, he looked up at us.

"You're late." He said bluntly.

"We had some trouble out front." I said back.

He scoffed and crossed his legs.
"The owner of this godforsaken place told me you two would be the best for this type of job. I hope he was right..."

Vincent took a step forward.
"Speaking of, this job. Give us the details."

"Of course, it's rather simple actually. Find my daughter and bring her to me. Dead or alive." He said without batting an eye.

This gave both me and Vincent pause.

Of course, Vince was the first to speak up.
"Dead or alive...? You don't care either way?"

"Is that an issue?" The man said, His blue eyes seeming to pierce right through Vincent. I could feel his discomfort from here.

"N-no it's just-" Vince stammered.

"We'll take it, cash upfront right?"
I said, cutting him off.

The man turned his gaze towards me, and for a moment I swear he almost smiled.

"Yes of course" He said as he pulled a briefcase from under his seat and handed it to us. I took it, surprised by how heavy it was.

"Do you want to count it? It's all there." The man said confidently.

"Nah, if it's not we'll come knocking, and that's a promise." I threatened.

Yet he didn't even bat an eye, he wasn't scared to be here at all...And with all this money he's toting around he must have some serious influence.

    "Of course, ill send you a text with   more details and a picture later if that's quite alright." The man said without missing a beat.

    I turned to Vincent who had been eyeing the man the entire time, a worried expression clearly on his face.

"Let's go, Vince."

"Yeah..." He muttered.

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