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*This story starts from the point Jai reconciles with his father and is called back home.

**This is my first story here so please support me.

***Flashbacks in Italics.


Jai wrapped his arms tighter around his father, not only because he savor the moment but also because his strength was slowly slipping away. The fight had left him with the taste of both, victory and blood, and a lot of injuries. He needed someone to support him because he couldn't even stand properly.

His felt his eyesight blur and his head spinning, he felt heavy, as if he was being burdened with huge amount of weight.

"Jai" he heard someone with familiar voice call out his name.

"Jai, what happened son? Are you feeling okay?" Jai recognized it to be his father.

"Dad.." Jai mumbled before falling unconscious.


Her nostril's flared in anger as Jai laughed at her eating the burger that she had ordered for herself. It was one of those moments where Jai couldn't resist teasing his wife-to-be who was forced to take upon a diet by their wedding planner, Kajal, who few years ago used to be an assistant planner to Jai's mother, Latha. And to add to that, Kajal had a thing for Jai to which he was oblivious.

Though Jai thought that Kajal wanted Jai and Vennela's wedding to be perfect considering the fact that she had been his mother's assistant so she really wanted to prove herself worthy. But Vennela could see and sense that Kajal was trying to prove that Vennela isn't the right girl for Jai. She could sense the affection that Kajal had for Jai, call it a woman's intuition. Hence, Kajal took it to herself to point at times, here and there, about how imperfect Vennela was.

Even this "diet" was Kajal's doing! Vennela was aware that she didn't have that kind of slim body that was considered an ideal figure and that she was curvy. She loved her shape and how she looked, there was nothing wrong with her figure but apparently, Kajal thought otherwise.

And that's is why Jai was enjoying the burger she had wanted to it. She just couldn't understand how an intelligent man like Jai could be so clueless, oblivious and idiotic when it came to matters of hearts and love. 

" Veenu wants to eat this burger, hhmm?" Jai teased as he took another bite of the burger.

Vennela's nostrils flared, "Oh! But you can't have it, no. You'll become fat and I don't like fat girls." Jai teased her more unaware of the pent-up frustration, anger, and annoyance that she had been feeling about Kajal's interference in their lives. Jai's constant teasing remarks only made the matters worse. It was like a dam broke when Vennela stood up from her chair and yelled at Jai, with her finger pointed at him, "If you don't like such a fat girl like me then there is no need to continue with this marriage. We can stop this marriage if you want!"

Vennela could have said more, yelled out her pent-up feelings had Jai not pulled her down onto him, "Ssshhh.." he placed a finger on her lips. Vennela's eyes widened seeing the sudden change in Jai. She had never seen this side of him, so much intensity that she felt a shiver run down her spine.

"Let me make myself clear. You are not only the love of my life, but my life, my passion as well. You are the beat of my heart, you are my soul, mera junoon, meri rag-rag behte khoon ki tarah, meri har cheez mein tum ho." Jai confessed making Vennela's eyes grow misty. He was holding her so tightly that it might leave bruises on her. 

"Toh itna pareshaan kyun karte ho phhir? If I mean so much to you then why do you tease me like that? You are very well aware of how I feel about Kajal, still...?" her voice trailed off as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Jai softened seeing Vennela's tears. He eased his grip and pulled Vennela in his lap in a comfortable position. He hugged her close to him and kissed the point where her shoulder met her neck. "If you don't like it then I will not tease you anymore and we will replace Kajal with some other wedding planner, hhmm?"

Vennela cried her feelings out as she wrapped her arms around Jai's neck and placed her head on his shoulder and just hummed in response.

"Good. Now, just keep it in mind that I won't let you leave me, I will do everything and anything to keep you beside me. You are mine Vennela, all mine."



Manasa and Jai's family tensed hearing Jai mutter Vennela's name even when he was unconscious. It's been a whole day, 24 hours that Jai had been unconscious. They all were still at the hospital and Manasa had come along because she was greatly worried about Jai. She was also very eager to meet "the Vennela" who had managed to make a man like Jai fall in love with her but not finding her around had made her ask the question, "Where is Vennela?"

But she wasn't expecting the answer that she got.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2018 ⏰

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