Chapter 18: Rainy Day, Clouded Mind

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Yang's POV

She looked lifeless, with one of her arms hanging off of the bed. The doctor turned on their heel and walked out. I walked over and sat next to Blake, picking up her hand and kissing it.

"Hi, pretty kitty. I know you can't hear me but I love you so much." I said, my voice breaking. "Everything is going to be okay. I won't leave until you wake up. Shaylynn is okay, she really misses you though. Weiss is expecting a baby, shocker right? Ruby has no idea so I thought I'd tell you because the whole 'no secrets' rule heh heh." I shook my head and put it down on the railing.

"Blake, I miss you. I miss you so much. I feel so lost and empty without you here, guiding me and making me strong. Everything is falling apart without you and I'm lost. Please Blake, wake up. Wake up for me. Please." Still not a single word or single movement except the rising and falling of her chest. I banged my fist against the wall and started to cry. My hair started to glow and my eyes turned red.

"Damn it, Yang! You're to blame for this mess! You weren't there when she needed you! She could be gone tomorrow and it's all your fault!" I sat back down and took a deep breath, making my eyes and hair return to normal. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful while she lay there.

I felt so horrible about telling her the wedding was off, I don't and didn't mean it. I want to marry this girl so bad and just be with her forever and ever. Her raven black hair and her glittering amber eyes, her beautiful pale skin. I couldn't wait for her to sit up and I could wrap her up in my arms and stroke her hair, telling her I love her.

Wow. Uh sorry Blake😂😂 it's okay, this gets better.


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