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"I'm so happy your safe!" I squeal as I hug Jake and Amy tightly.
      "We weren't kept in the best conditions, but we had each other," Jake says, smiling at Amy. She squeezes his hand and plants a small kiss on his cheek, and in that moment I am 100 percent sure that they are soulmates.
"Why are we in Abnegation, though?" Amy asks.
"Marcus did something bad and Evelyn made me kill him to save you!" I say casually. Tears form in Amy's eyes.
"You killed someone to save me?"
"I would kill anyone to save you."
"I would too!" Jake chimes in. All of us laugh, not realizing that Evelyn has snuck off somewhere again. When I do, even get car has disappeared. There's a bloody trail from Marcus's front door to where the car was parked, and then it ends. No tire marks or anything. Evelyn has disappeared again.
      Later that night, Amy and I are sitting on my bed, reading. Usually people from different factions aren't supposed to hang out together, but since I'm a leader and she's back in training, the council members allowed it. I think, at least, we haven't asked yet.
      "My wrists still hurt a lot," Amy says quietly, staring down at her hands which are sitting in her lap, slightly shaking. There's still bright red marks around her arms. I put my hand on her shoulder and pull her into my embrace.
      "You can tell me what happened. I'll always be here for you, you know that, Amy," I say. Any sighs and puts her head down on a pillow.
      "I ran away from Dauntless and then some stranger hit me in the head with something real hard. I don't know what happened, but I woke up I was in some unknown place. It was an almost completely empty room, except for the chair that I was bound to and Evelyn was standing by the window. She walked up to me and said that if I didn't tell her where Jake was, she'd kill you. So I told her, and then the next day he was in the same room as me. After she gave us our first meal of cold peas from a can, we were given the freedom to roam around the room, except it was completely useless because the room was completely empty because Evelyn took the chairs away!" Amy shakes her fist in a fit of anger. "And then that was my life for the past week. What's new with you?"
      "Dear lord! But are you alright?" I ask. Amy nods.
"I'm fine now."
"I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried about you! But I have to ask, why did you leave Dauntless in the first place?"
Amy looks like she just saw a ghost.
"No reason..." she says, her voice wavering just like it always does when she lies.
"You can tell me," I say reassuringly
"No," Amy says, and tears start to roll down her cheeks.
"Something is bothering you, Amy. Please, you can trust me!" I plead.
"You have to promise me that you won't kill me!" She sobs. Her body is shaking and she's breathing too fast, Amy's going to make herself pass out that way.
"Promise me, Jeanine!" Amy shouts. I nod slowly.
"I promise."
Amy takes takes a deep breath and closes her eyes.
"I'm divergent."
Amy's words hit me like a stone and echo in my head.
"What?" I ask, confused.
"They were gonna kill me! Part of the leadership test is taking another aptitude test because you can't be a Dauntless leader unless you're 100 percent Dauntless!" She starts to hyperventilate again, her words becoming faster as they morph into uncontrollable sobs.
"What factions do you have an aptitude for?" I ask calmly.
"Dauntless and Erudite."
      "Okay. I have to admit, I'm not shocked," I say truthfully.
      "What?" Amy blurts.
      "Many people who are 100 percent Dauntless are very... brutal. They have a bit of a 'thing first, act second' behavioral trend, I have noticed," I say. "You, Amy, are not brutal. You think and evaluate, and you would never hurt anyone out of pure bloodlust, because you're a good person. I know you are. Which is why I'm going to pretend that nothing has changed, because it's true."
      "So you're not upset?" Amy asks.
      "Why would I be? You're still Amy Santiago. You haven't changed."
      Amy smiles at me.
     "I hate to ruin such a nice moment, by the way, but I haven't had enough to drink in a week," She says.
     I go to the fridge and get her a bottle of water.
      "There is one slight change in my life though," I say.
      "What happened?"

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