Prologue: The New Kid! Start of a Big Love Rivalry

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers here is the Prologue to this story and by the title of this Prologue you should know what's going to happen and this will actually be different than what you're thinking as this is gonna be a different kind of school other than Beacon Academy and Hanzo Academy that are in both shows. Every character will be in the same school that it's gonna be in,

And also like I said, we need more crossover fan-art of RWBY and Senran Kagura cause with the only picture I found for the title image is the one that's the cover of this,

Now with all that said, let the reading begin.)

Team RWBY and Pyrrha P.O.V

"At a High School known as (School Name) students are in their desks as school is about to start, but in the classroom there are five girls sitting down in desks that are close to each other and those girls are Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long, and Pyrrha Nikos. Been friends since they were kids and they became a five girl group as they're now sitting together, the time is 7:53 and Ruby lays her head on the desk..................
Ruby: *groans* "Come on, when is school gonna start. The faster the day goes the faster we can go home."
Weiss: "Ruby, would you just relax? I know it's a hard day at school, but sometimes we have to learn."
Yang: "Booooooring, I'm with Ruby."
Blake: "Yang, really?"
Pyrrha: "Okay girls, no need to start trouble. We can agree on things and don't, but we have to focus."
Ruby: "Yeah, but where's the teacher already?"
Blake: "I heard rumors that there's a new kid coming here. So, I guess maybe the teacher is helping that person to this class if he or she has this class."
Yang: "If it's a guy I bet you he'll be cute."

Team Hanzo P.O.V the same classroom another group of five girls is sitting down and one of em looks at the other five as they heard what they said, the girls are Asuka, Katsuragi, Ikaruga, Yagyuu, and Hibari. Been friends for a long time as well and Asuka looks at her friends...................
Asuka: "Did you girls hear about this new student rumor?"
Ikaruga: "Been hearing it, but it can't be true."
Katsuragi: "Unless you see it for yourself, then the rumor is definitely true."
Hibari: "If it's true then there couldn't be wrong with it. Right?"
Yagyuu: "If it is a guy and he is one of those kinds of guys, then I better keep a good eye on Hibari."
Hibari: "Yagyuu, stop thinking that way. You always push the guys away to keep me safe when I actually want to meet them."
Asuka: "Well, if it is true then it's not right to judge them even if not getting to know them."
Katsuragi: "Yeah. Stop judging harshly Yagyuu."
................Yagyuu growls in frustration and anger as her teammates put her down for be judgmental................

3rd P.O.V

................then the bell rings and everyone sits in their seats as their teacher walks in..................
Rin: "Hello students. Now, before we get started if what you heard about the new student rumor that's been going around the school well let's say that it's all true."
................everyone starts talking and whispering as they just found out that the rumor is true about the new student, also got the attention of both the fiver girl groups.................
Rin: "And students I want you to give him a warm welcome. Come on in."
................the new student walks in and everyone looks as other girls smirks or smiles, but when both the five girl group looks their eyes widen slowly and they blush as they see a guy standing there with a (Hair style) (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes, as their hearts raced and he smiles..................
(Y/N): "Hey everyone, my name is (Y/N) (L/N) and I hope we can get get along really well."
Yang 'whispering': "Woah, I really called it."
Weiss 'whispering': "You really did."
Katsuragi 'whispering': "That girl really called it when she said he would be cute."
Asuka 'whispering': "Yeah, she really did."
Rin: "Now (Y/N), you can sit wherever you want."
...................the girls eyes widen as the look to see a seat in between both groups as he walks towards it, then he sits down and both girls still stare at him and then he looks to his right as one of the girls is acting normal and he looks left and those girls are acting normal as well. Then class starts as he starts learning and the girls still stares at him, but then Ruby noticed Asuka staring at him and their eyes widen as they get angry and growl at each other. Then class ends and they head to the next class as (Y/N) is sitting by himself as its lunchtime and he is sitting under a tree and at two different locations (Y/N) is being spied on by the girls as he is eating....................
Weiss: "How come we're spying in him if we never even got to know him yet?"
Pyrrha: "Doesn't matter if he's so handsome."
Yang: "Yep."
Blake: "Jeez, already after what happened with our exes here we are staring at him and spying on him."
Ruby: *notices Asuka and her group* "Oh great, it's those other girls."
Weiss: "What other girls?"
Yang: "The other five girl group."
Pyrrha: "Those girls? Are they spying on (Y/N) as well?"
................then Asuka notices Ruby and her group and she gets angry as she growls.................
Asuka: "Oh come on, it's that girl and her friends."
Katsuragi: "Oh, you mean the girls over there?"
Hibari: "They're spying in our (Y/N)."
Ikaruga: "They better think of taking him from us."
Yagyuu: "They better not go anywhere near them or they will pay."
..................then they see four other guys walking up to them and they noticed them to be Cardin and his group.................
Cardin: "Well, look at the new kid here. Sitting by himself like an unwanted runt."
(Y/N): "And who might you be gorilla man?"
...................the girls giggle as he insulted Cardin and he gets angry................
Cardin: "The names Cardin, and I just want to put a little bit of ground rules for you around here. This is my school."
(Y/N): "I never thought they would give the school to man who's brain is small as his dick."
....................the girls laugh and everyone else laughs as Cardin gets furious as he grabs him by the shirt and picks him up..................
Cardin: "You just crossed the line. Now prepare for a.................."
....................(Y/N) headbutts him making him stagger back and holding his nose as he bleeds, then one of Cardin's goons goes for a punch, but (Y/N) delivers one of his own making him stagger back and then he passes out. Then Cardin gets up as he clutched his nose and the other two goons look at him.................
Cardin: "You just got a grave ready for you. I'm kicking your ass."
(Y/N): "Oh, you wanna kick my ass?"
Dove: "Oh yeah we are."
(Y/N): "Well, bitch boys lets go."
..................they get ready to fight, but (Y/N) delivers a smooth spin kick hitting all three of them in the face as they fall to the ground unconscious..................
Yang/Katsuragi: "DAMN."
....................then he picks up Cardin and the girls are amazed at his strength as he places Cardin face first in a trash can and he bangs on it as Cardin wakes up..................
Cardin: "What the hell? Where am I?"
(Y/N): "Time to take out the trash."
.....................he places the garbage can on the ground then to some steps as he smirks.................
Cardin: "No, no, no, no, no I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
......................he pushes the bucket and it goes down the stairs and he screams as he rolls down the steps and he rolls on the ground and crashes into a wall as e comes out groaning. Then (Y/N) turns around as everyone cheers for him after what happened and he smiles. The girls are amazed at how he stood up to Cardin..................


.......................then the school day ends as Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, and Pyrrha are walking back to their home, but then as they are walking they turn a corner and they runs into Asuka and her friends.....................
Ruby: "Well look who it is."
Asuka: "Funny, I was gonna ask the same thing to the girls who wants our (Y/N)."
Yang: "Your (Y/N)?"
Pyrrha: "He's ours."
Hibari: "He belongs to us."
Blake: "Well, I say he deserve better women to treat him right."
Yagyuu: "Oh, you don't think we won't treat him right?"
Weiss: "Says the girl who judges people without knowing them and not to mention overprotective of *points at Hibari* her."
Katsuragi: "Well, he will be ours."
Yang: "He'll be ours."
....................they stared at each other in the eyes as they growled. And as they stared at each other in the eyes they knew something is gonna happen starting now."
Asuka: "Fine, let's just see who's gonna win (Y/N)'s heart."
Ruby: "We will succeed."

To be continued.................

(A/N: Well, that's the the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

Love Rivalry: Huntresses vs Shinobi (RWBY and Pyrrha x male reader x Team Hanzo)Where stories live. Discover now