Chapter Nine

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 Chapter Nine

        We have been looking for Shadow for a couple days now, and still no trace of her. Where could Loki have taken her? We have looked almost everywhere in New York, Malibu, Miami, any place Loki might have taken her! Unless... I ran up to father who was talking to Mr. Stark, "Father, I think I might know where Loki might have taken Miss. Shadow."

        "And where might that be, Airethena?" Father asked curiously.

        "Where do you think my daughter is?" Mr. Stark asked.

        "Asgard," was my only reply.

        "Asgard? But why?" Mr. Stark asked.

        "My brother Loki had many 'hide-outs' in Asgard," Father paused, "We must leave immediately."

        Ever so suddenly (Why does that happen so much?!) Loki, and Shadow appeared right in front of us. Loki smiled his mischievous smile, "Thor, how nice it is to see you, and your petty mortal friends."

        "They actually happen to be our friends, Loki," I growled at him.

        "Of course they are," Loki snarled back, "Yet it seems as if you forgot about one of your friends," he smiled (evilly) again, "Shadow here has been an utter disappointment while on her stay."

        Shadow tried to say something but, her mouth was muzzled by a mask-thing around her mouth. I pointed Kjorn right at Loki, "Let her go."

        He chuckled a bit, "You cannot hurt me. I am a god!"

        "Sure as Odin I can," I hissed at him.

        Father stepped in, "Loki, you are not going to hurt my daughter, nor anyone else's child. You will not harm the people of Midgard. You will leave Midgard, and you will return to Asgard. You will never return."

        "Thor, you cannot ban me from a place you are not king of!"

        "That may be true but, I may cast you out of this realm because I protect it," Father was getting on Loki's nerves. Good, then he'll leave for good.

        He shoved Shadow towards us, "Here, take your petty mortal but, mark my words: I will be back," he vanished as soon as he had said that. I quickly walked up to Shadow, and ripped off her mask-thing and her handcuffs. 

        She breathed in deeply, "Shadow, are you okay? What has Loki done to you?"

        "I'm fine honestly. Just a few marks here and there."

        Mr. Stark looked at her in the eyes, "Shadow," he ran up to her and embraced her in a hug, "I'm sorry," was the only thing he said. He said it over, and over, whispering it each time. He pulled away, "Shadow, I'm sorry for everything. Everything I've said, everything I've done."

        Shadow smiled weakly, "It's alright, Dad," she pulled him in for another hug, "I love you," she whispered. 

        Mr. Stark smiled, "I love you, too."

        Shadow came up to me, "Is she still mad at me?" she was referring to Unity.

        "I think so, she has not said anything to any of us. All she has done is train."

        She nodded before passing out. Mr. Stark ran over to her, "No, no, not again," he kept muttering that all the way back to S.H.I.E.L.D. Mr. Stark laid down Shadow on a table in the infirmary. Dr. Banner was the one who was to look after Shadow until she woke up.


        "When do you think she will wake?" I kept asking Dr. Banner. I had been in the infirmary for the past twelve hours.

        Dr. Banner pushed his glasses up, "I'm not sure. She should soon, though," that was his reply every time. I could tell it was starting to get on his nerves, so I stopped asking. 

        A few hours later (practically the next day) Dr. Banner said, "Today, I'm sure of it. Shadow should wake up."

        We were all bursting with excitement. We all started hovering over Shadow's pale figure. Unity was still hiding out. Mr. Rogers was away. The Barton's left to get rest. The rest of us were here. Shadow slightly opened her eyes, then blinked a few times before she came to her senses. She sat up slowly, "Again?"

        "Yup, this time I upgraded your reactor, so hopefully it won't happen again," Mr. Stark replied.

        "Nice," she looked at us, "Where's everyone else?"

        "The Barton's are at home. Unity is in the Training Centre. Mr. Rogers is out," I answered.

        "Hmm..." She mused. She turned to Dr. Banner, "Can I leave yet?"

        "Uh, yes. Just be careful, you will be weak for a few days."

        Shadow got up off the table and started hobbling to the door. I rushed up to her, and held onto her arm, "Shadow, I must warn you; Unity is not in the best of moods with you. Please do not upset her," she nodded, and hobbled off.

        Shadow had been with Unity for quite a while now. I wonder if they have made up. I was walking my way down to the Training Centre when I started to hear blast, and explosions. I quickened my pace, and headed towards the sound of noise. When I stopped I was directly in front of the Training Centre. I pushed open the door, and when I did, a look of horror spread upon my face. The two were fighting each other like animals! I ran in, "What in Odin are you two doing?! You two used to be best friends!" obviously they were not listening to me. I raised Kjorn, and did what I do best. I raised the two high above the ground. I spun Shadow a few times; she was in her Iron Girl suit. When I was satisfied, I left them hanging so they would finally listen. Unity was kicking the air furiously. They both saw the look on my face and stopped doing everything they could to get out of my clutches, "What in the name of Odin were you two doing? You two are best friends! At least until now! You need to find some way to mend this!" I dropped the two.

        Shadow stood up, put her suit into backpack form and glared, "I know a way to fix this."

        "And what might that be?"

        She slung the backpack over her shoulder, and started to walk out. She turned to the both of us, "I quit."

NOTE: rest of these chapters are unedited + not re-rewritten yet. my bad.  


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