Chapter One

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Chapter One

        I ran down the golden corridor of the palace. Where were they? Taking the closest staircase to me, I made my way to the next most likeable place the four would be. Other than the training grounds, the four were most likely in the dining hall. I ran up to the large golden doors, noting that they were already open. When I searched around the Hall, I found them all sitting around the end of the table. My father's four greatest friends, The Warriors Three- and Sif.

        Volstagg was sinking his teeth into a cooked wild bird leg. Fandral drinking from a goblet, presumably Asgard's finest wine. Hogan and Sif were engaged in conversation, but Sif reached behind her a few times, grabbing for the grapes on a golden platter.

        Volstagg was the first to notice my presence. "By Valhalla! If it isn't Asgard's finest warrior!"

        Sif was brought to attention at the words of 'finest warrior.' "I do hope you mean second finest, Volstagg. I am the one who taught her everything she knows."

        "With the help of Father, of course." I said, smiling at Sif. Father and her were together, so she was practically a mother to me. I nearly scowled at that thought, I never knew my mother. Or my grandmother.

        "What do we owe the pleasure of your presence, your highness?" Volstagg asked, emphasising the 'your highness' part. He knew I didn't like formality around them.

        I laughed a little, quickly composing myself to tell them the news I was sent to deliver. I cleared my throat, standing a little taller than I did before. "The Mighty King Thor wishes to see the four of you," I said in a mocking tone to the palace messengers, "Now."

        The five of us turned off a corner into the Throne Room where my father sat, sitting slightly uncomfortably on his throne. Someday I'll be sitting there, I thought wishfully. The golden columns closed in the grand room (though it was more of a hall than anything), making the room feel much smaller than it actually was. We all walked up to the throne, the four stopping a little bit behind me. I stopped at the foot of the steps leading to the throne, kneeling along with the others as Father looked down at us all.

        "I brought them at your request, Father." I stated, taking a quick glance at him.

        The all-high-and-mighty Thor gestured for us all to rise, and we did so. I stared at him, choosing how to form my words so I didn't sound too much like a child.

        Fandral was the one to beat us all to asking, "And how might we be of assistance, my king?"

        Father stood up from the large golden throne I once played on as a child. "No use for formality, my friend."

        "Then what be your asking of us here, Thor?" Sif asked, stepping forward a little, a hand resting on her sword.

        "Is small talk not enough for you, my friends?"

        "No," Fandral said in a joking matter, "You would not call us to the Throne Room for 'small talk.'"

        Father nodded his head to the side. "True enough. No, I called you all here to tell you of my departure."

        Even I was confused, "Departure?" I asked, moving my hands as I talked. Bit of a force of habit.

        "Yes," Father rested a hand on my shoulder, "You and I are departing for Midgard."

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