Chapter Seven

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 Chapter Seven

        "Um, what is going on?" I asked to the group hovering over me. They all had gigantic smiles, "Let me rephrase that; WHAT IS GOING ON?!" 

        They all fell back laughing on the ground, "Just a morning wake up call!" Unity said through her laughter.

        "Oh," I stood up, "Out, out with you all. I will meet you down in training in ten minutes," I shooed them out of the room. I hurriedly put on my armor, it does take longer than you would expect it would. I ran into the bathroom; brushed my teeth, and hair. Grabbed Kjorn, and ran out the door down to the Training Centre.

        I ran into the large room. Where was everyone? I walked around the room, checking corners, passages, anywhere. I stood in the middle of the room, with my hands up in frustration, "Where is everyone?!" I shouted into the empty air. I marched out of the room to look for answers. Once I passed the 'living room', I stopped, and stared at the clock. Five o'clock in the morning, "You have to be kidding me."

        I ran right into Shadow's room, without knocking or anything. If the door was locked, I would have kicked it open. I stomped into the room, with my face red from anger. Shadow was asleep. I thumped her on the head, "Ow!" she stared at me, "Oh, hey Airy!" she was obviously known why I was here because you could hear it in her voice, "Fancy meeting you here..."

        "Oh, do not be playing games with me. You woke me up much too early, and in training, you're all going to pay," I said stern, while leaving her room. They're all going to pay, and this time, I'm not playing fair.


        I fell asleep for about an hour before waking up, and heading down to training. I was still the first one there, so I started practicing slicing dummies, and knocking them down with my wind. After a while, everyone else decided to show. Everyone but, Shadow had smug faces. Shadow looked a little curious. She must be thinking about what I said earlier, I rubbed my hands together, this is going to be fun.

        Director Fury walked into the room with the avengers following behind him, "Today, you'll be fighting against one another, but this time you'll be fighting against your own parent," I started to stare at father, he will surely win this battle, "Dr. Banner will not be here for this session-"

        "Because he's obviously a giant green raging monster that'll hurt all of us," Mr. Stark interrupted. Elizabeth looked a bit upset that Mr. Stark had said that, but she did not say anything.

        "So," Director Fury continued, "Banner, you'll be paired up with Agent Barton," he turned to Natasha. He turned back to us, "The Starks had enough training yesterday, so they will be sitting this one out," Director Fury glared at Mr. Stark. 

        "Let's get started!" Mr. Barton shouted. 

        Matthew fist pumped the air but, froze half way through, "Wait, who's going first?"

        Unity rose her hand high, "Oo, me, me, me, me! Pick me, please!"

        Director Fury nodded, "Don't go too easy on her," he commanded in a hushed tone to Mr. Rogers gave him a thumbs up. Mr. Rogers was already in his suit, as well was Unity. They both grabbed their shields. Mr. Rogers picked up a grenade (it was a practice grenade) from a table near by, and threw it straight at Unity. Unity leaped out of the way. She grabbed two of her fifty throwing stars, and threw them straight towards her father's head. He would survive even if the star landed deeply within him, he's taken a gun shot to the side, and has lived. By all means, he's been in ice for seventy years! If he couldn't withstand this, I don't know how he became an Avenger. Luckily the star bounced of his shield which he raised in the nick of time. The star bounced off, and came hurdling back towards Unity. The two were basically playing a real life version of Pong (the one game I know of, and still do not know how to play!). Their session ended when Unity was knocked down with her father's shield.

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