Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

            The travel to Washington D.C., which was where I guessed we were going (unless Father had any other unmentioned mortal girlfriends he needed to talk to), was a much shorter journey than that to New Mexico from Asgard. And I must say, Washington D.C. is filled with a lot of stone for being the Capitol. Where's the gold? But all in all, it was a nice change of scenery.

            The bïfrost landed us in front of a island-like building. It was rested in the middle of very large river. Father called it the Triskelion, or one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s headquarters. Apparently he had been there a few times. Or at least that's what I heard when we were walking through the entrance. I didn't say anything; I was still quite upset with him.

            The building was large, and very open, unlike the palace. I kind of really liked it. A man in a suit and tie walked up to us, closing a file. "Thor! So good to see you!"

            "Son of Coul," Father greeted with a smile.

            The man nodded his head to the side, "It's actually just Coulson." His gaze turned to me, "You must be Airethena," Coulson held out his hand. I uncrossed my crossed arms and shook it. "Almost everyone else is here, I'll take you to them."

            I glanced up at Father with no expression. He looked down at me, "I think I shall just take a look around the building."

            "O-Kay?" Coulson put a hand on my shoulder, and started leading me away. "Daddy issues?"

            I looked up to Coulson, "If you call not telling me who my mother is, than telling me she was actually there the entire time being my best friend and mentor 'Daddy Issues,' then yes."

            "Ouch," He led me through a door like the one we came into, and into a small room that was glass on all sides. Coulson pressed a circle on the wall, and the whole small room started to move. I grabbed on to the railings the small room had. I looked out the glass windows to see we were moving up.

            "What is this?" I asked with a large grin, I wasn't terrified anymore.

            Coulson crossed his arms, looking out the window. "It's called an elevator; it's like flying up, but with gears and technology."

            "It's amazing!" Coulson chuckled at me. The elevator stopped a long way from the ground. The doors opened, and Coulson led me out of the amazing elevator. He took me down a hallway from the elevator and into a fairly large room. It looked more like our lounge in the palace. Thinking about the palace made me miss Asgard... and Sif. The room and its many sofas were filled with people.

            I stopped in my tracks when all their heads turned towards me. I've never been scared in front of a crowd; I'm in front of them all the time. But for some reason, these people put a little more pressure on than normal. The only boy in the room whistled, and the two girls glared at him. "Do you have to do that to every girl who walks in here?" The blonde one hissed.

            The boy shrugged his shoulders, "Well I'm sorry; I didn't know I was working with a bunch of girls. Especially pretty ones, it's not my fault." With his response, the red haired woman behind him smacked across the head. The man next to the woman had a smug smirk on. The woman looked like she was about to hit him, too.

            A man with dark hair and glasses next to a dark haired girl stood up and smiled at me. "Hi, I'm Dr. Bruce Banner, you must be the newest recruit; Princess Airethena, right?"

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