After waiting for the throbbing to leave, I started packing my things.

"Where are you going?" Ruby asked.

"I finally got my own dorm." I said, a grin spreading across my face.

"That's good to hear." She responded.

For some reason she seemed kind of sad.

"Hey, we'll still see each other around."

"I know."

I hugged her before leaving. I left the building and headed to another wing, where the second years live. I went up to the second story and entered my dorm. It was large, equipped with a full kitchen, a bathroom, a living room with furniture, and separate bedrooms.

"I'll only need one, maybe I'll have an office kinda thing, and an entertainment room." I muttered to myself.

After unpacking my things, I sat on the couch. I tapped my knee, looking around.

This place is so empty... If only I had money.

I sat there, bored. Team RWBY was out, so I couldn't invite them over. I grabbed my scroll and messaged Ava.

Hey, come to my dorm. Room 455. I'm bored out of my mind and want someone to talk to.

I waited for a response for a couple minutes, that is, until my scroll finally dinged.

Sorry, I can't. I'm busy. I have to catch up on all of the schoolwork and homework.

Crap... this blows...

I left, wandering the halls until someone bumped into me. The would've fallen, but my reflexes helped my grab their hand before they hit the floor.

"I-i'm sorry."

"It's fine, Velvet. I wasn't watching where I was going."

"No, i-it's my fault. I was running."

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, Coco told me to give you this, for your dorm."

She handed me a small box. I opened it, finding a large amount of cash.

"W-why? This is a lot of money! I can't take this!"

"She also told me to tell you that if you don't take it you're gonna d-die."

A-ha... the irony...

"She also said that if you want to pay her back that's fine, but I'm pretty sure you don't want to be her slave for the next two years. She did sell some of her top-of-the-line clothing to get it." she explained.

"Well, you're right. So I guess I don't have a choice."

I pat her head as I walked passed her.


I went out to Vale, buying a TV, game systems, things like that. I had it all shipped to my dorm ahead of time.

As I walked back I looked into my wallet.

"Damn... they overpaid me. I could buy a frickin' house with all this."

A lightbulb turned on in my head as I passed the bank.

I walked in, made a savings account and put in about 75% of my money in.

"I'll just let that collect interest until I need it."

I returned to my dorm. When I opened the door, everything was already set up.

Who could've....

I felt a large weight on my back. Followed by familiar giggles.

"Guess who finished their homework earlier than anticipated..."

"Hmmm.... Cardin?" I asked teasingly.


She hopped off and kissed me on the cheek.

"I may have broke in, and got bored. So I put everything together, like puzzles."

"Thanks, do you like the dorm?"

"Yeah, I'll probably be spending most of my time here now."


"I know, we're supposed to be 'broken up', but I don't want to leave you just yet. One more week?"

"Ava I-"


I looked into her eyes, those deep blue eyes that no one could deny. I sighed.


"Yes!" she exclaimed happily. "Now, let's go test out those gaming systems of yours."

"No argument there." I chuckled, following her into the entertainment room.

Time That Remains; RWBY x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now