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Matt and Lisa were shopping for their son. Lisa had put a neck pillow in their cart so they'd have something to support Theo's neck. Matt put a couple of shirts and comfy sweaters in the cart so Theo would have something to wear other than itchy hospital clothes. Lisa put a beanie in so she could have some way of keeping Theo's hair back. 

Theo's parents put a mini whiteboard in the cart so in case Theo couldn't speak, he could write his words. Lisa and Matt added a few more items to the cart before checking out. When they returned to the hospital, they asked Dr.Scott if they could get Theo out of his hospital attire and into something more comfortable. Dr.Scott agreed and had a nurse help them. 

Hey, baby," Lisa said as she pulled back the blanket. "Let's get you into something more comfortable, yeah?"

A nurse was helping Theo breath by squeezing a bag of oxygen that she connected to the tube. This way, the adults were able to get the shirt Lisa and Matt bought on Theo without disturbing the tube. Matt put a soft grey sweater on Theo's body. 

Once they got the sweatpants on, the tube was reconnected to the machine. Lisa put the beanie on Theo's head as Matt placed the neck pillow around Theo's neck. 

"There we go," Lisa said. "Now your hair won't bother you." Both parents smiled as they watched their son sleep. 

"We brought you something," Matt said to his son. Matt pulled out Theo's cellphone and earbuds. He put the earbuds in Theo's ears and used his son's thumb to unlock the phone. Matt played Theo's music and let the phone rest by the boy side. Matt and Lisa hoped that what they were doing would help their son wake up quicker.

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