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When Matt and Lisa ran into their son's room, they found him on the ground with a bloody hand and nose due to him ripping out the IV and feeding tube. His restraints had been snapped off and oxygen tossed to the side. He looked up at his parents, and fresh tears rolled down his already tear-stained, snot covered face.

"M-mmaaa." He sobbed as he dragged himself to his mother.

Matt called for assistance, and soon Dr. Scott and others came in. They picked up the boy who felt like he weighed nothing. Theo trashed and screamed as he was put back in bed. He sobbed as they set new restraints on him.

He snarled at the doctor as he placed a new IV in his hand. Theo whimpered as a rag was placed on his forehead, and a new feeding tube was inserted into his nose.

He was feeling so many emotions at one time. Anger, sadness, frustration fogged his feeble brain, and it scared him. He moaned as his oxygen cannula returned to his nose. He felt like shrieking. So, he did. He screamed and thrashed as Dr.Scott, and his parents tried to calm him.

As Theo was shrieking, his breaths became uneven, and he became stiff. His eyes rolled back into his head, and he had the worst seizure he's ever had since he arrived at the hospital. Dr.Scott undid the restraints to give the boy some room.

Arms extended and fingers curled like talons, the boy continued to seize while nurses struggled to grasp hold of his arm to insert the seizure medicine. Before they could, Theo's seizure stopped and so did his breathing. What came next was the single long beep of the heart monitor. He had flatlined.

11/30/19 Update: fixed formatting

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