Scene 21

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A/N : We're back to Arthit's POV na..


Finally, finally! Arrgh.. it's been so long since he last has a break! The promotion for the mini-album has finished. The fanmeeting for the drama was long apart, and the preparation won't begin until the next two weeks. Now he could relax fully. No more dark circles beneath his eyes! He could return to his easy schedule! He can stay over at Kong's without Knot's disapproving eyes because it was too far from his schedule point! Horray!

But.. it was Kong's turn to be busy. After the drama, his name skyrocketed. He was constantly in demand for a photoshoot. He was also recruited to be a brand ambassador for a few things. The younger man hopped to one event to the next. He was barely there to cook for Arthit.

Just like today, when Arthit arrived at Kong's apartment, the owner hasn't even got back yet. The clock on the wall telling him that it's still 4 pm in the afternoon, and his lover told him he'll be back from an event on Pattaya in the evening. The younger man told him to just reheated some things from the fridge if he wants to eat, but he was too lazy to do that right now. He decided to take a rest for a while, and if necessary to take a nap on the sofa, while watching TV. And as he expected, he fell asleep lulled by the soft voice from it.

"-Thit.. P' Arthit khrub.. wake up.." the soft voice of Kong woke him up from his slumbers. The younger man's face was illuminated with a dimly light on the living room. Ohh.. Arthit was sleeping for a long time, it turns out. He didn't even close the curtain as the window now showcasing the night sky of Bangkok.

"Sorry. Fell asleep." He gruffly said, voice rough from sleeping. His lover only smiles in understanding, brushing his hair lightly.

"It's okay, phi. But if so, you haven't eaten yet, have you?" Arthit shook his head with the question.

"I still don't want to eat." He told his lover.

Kong then sat beside him, presenting him with a bread he saved for later but was forgotten until now. "It's not good for you. Eat even it's a little bit."

Arthit rolled his eyes but took the proffered bread and nibbled on it. the TV was still on and now showing some drama series he doesn't follow.

"Why don't you just give it to him?" he watched one of the two girls in the drama said.

"I'm afraid.." said the other girl. Her eyes wet from unshed tears.

"Well, what if he cheats on you because you don't want to have sex with him?" the first girl asked worriedly.

"That's why I-" Arthit changed the channel. It left a bad taste in him.

"..phi?" Arthit tightened his grip on the remote control as Kong called him.

"I haven't take a shower yet. Mind if I go it first?" he tried to change the topic.

"Are you okay?" Kong asked straight-forwardly. Arthit can see him frowning.

"Okay. I'm good!" Arthit said rather forcedly. It makes his lover raised his eyebrows, knowing that it was a lie.

Ugh. This is the disadvantage for having an observant and thoughtful lover..

"P' Arthit.." there's a hint of warning in Kong's voice. Arthit immediately deflated and pouted. This is something that's been in his mind since they become lovers. The time for their new status is admittedly still new, but this something is nagging at his feeling, making Arthit a little bit.. insecure.

"That.. urm.. I just.. have been thinking. Does it bother you that we haven't had sex yet?" Arthit finally revealed what was inside his mind. He lowers his eyes, a little bit afraid and shy to face his lover. But from the corner of his eyes, he can see Kong blinked a few times, as if too stunned to say anything.

In the next moment, Kong wrapped his arms around him, bringing him closer so they sat practically side by side with body touching with each other. One of Kong's hand rest on his neck, the fingers spread and gently massaging him.

"Where is this thought coming from na.." the younger man wonders aloud. Arthit just knew that the tips of his ears are tinted red by now. He refused to say anything for a while.

"Oh.. P' Arthit khrub.." Arthit heard the younger man sighed. He decided to raise his head and was met with a smiling face of his lover. "How can you think that it bothers me?"

"But.. but, you're a man. Man wants to have sex with his lover, right." Arthit knitted his eyebrows and pursed his lips.

"Then, do you want to have sex with me?" Kong replied back, raising one of his eyebrows with knowing eyes.

"I-!" Arthit can't bring himself to say it. he balled his hands to fist, feeling helpless by his inability to voice out what he feels.

"P' Arthit.." again, Kong called his name softly, brushing strands of his hair with his fingers. "It's not a bother. I'm used to wait after all." His lover tried to joke, but Arthit still not convinced about it.

"Really." The younger man sighed. He threw a pampering smile to Arthit before kissing his cheek. "I'd rather wait until both of us ready than force you, phi. Surely you understand."

Arthit hesitated. But he braves himself after hearing what Kong said to him, and lean his head on Kong's chest fully. He let his lover to pampers him, and drop the subject, for now.


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