Scene 6

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A/N : Sorry na if the previous one was too short. It's because I write this ff based on a scene so I would end a chapter once it was already played out. I also use this for practicing writing in short(er) chapter. Well.. it's a ficlet for a reason. ^^"

As I was saying before, I chose to do a hidden promotion. Lol I've a rough plot for another new ff, but I tweaked it a little to fit this story.

Enjoy na~


'Color in Monochrome'; the new drama Arthit's agency drafted to raise the popularity of the newcomer actress, Mook. She's the cousin of Khun Roy and the granddaughter of the main shareholder in the agency. It was about a singer who has synesthesia, seeing color of spoken words and music notes. There would be a love triangle in the drama, between the singer and two men. One who also have a synesthesia like herself, the Production Manager, and the other is a fellow singer like herself who is colorblind. Due to their circumstances, Arthit and Kongphob will be casted along with Mook as the main actors. The love triangle will end with the singer being independently successful and it will also be hinted that the two men will end up as lovers.

Arthit rolled his eyes as he finished reading the draft script in his hands. Of course he will be professional about it, and he had to admit that the plot is interesting enough. He was just.. he can't believe he stoop so low he had to act in BL drama. It usually reserved for newcomers.

He sighed and massaged his temple, easing the burgeoning headache he got nowadays. The gossip about him is still running rampant and the speculation becomes so wild he was afraid to check the social media. The official statement about Kongphob and him taking part in this drama will happen in the same day that all the actors for the drama met for the first time, which is today. Approximately thirty more minutes before he had to go face-to-face with that damn Kongphob again. After this, he had to act close and -God forbid- be intimate with the man as it would be part of the fanservice the fans would expect from them. Arthit shudders imagining all the things he had to go through with the younger man.

He was the third actor to come to the conference room. Knot and him greets everyone, including the staffs who are busy with preparation for the meeting. P' Oak, one of the staff ushered him to a seat with his name placed on the table. He noticed he would seat on the right side, with Mook in the center, and Kongphob on the left.

One by one, the actors come. He greets everyone without fail and gives them his polite smile. But the smile froze once Kongphob enters the room, bearing so much flowers in his hands. Arthit wants to roll his eyes – correction, he did roll his eyes in the end – as Kongphob gave each one of the people in the room a flower; two if it was a woman. Mook came with her manager when Kongphob gave the last flower in his hand to a blushing staff.

"Ah. Mook! It's been a while." Kongphob greets her with a smile.

"Kong, I practically met you just yesterday." She giggled. And her cheeks become redder once Kongphob presents her a bouquet of rose, which has been on Em's hands the whole time he gave others flowers.

"Thank you." Mook simpered. The smile on Kongphob's face widened.

"You're welcome. Only the best flower could match the most beautiful girl like you." He winked.


Arthit had to take note that Kongphob greeted and gave everyone flowers. Except him. he got nothing. Even Kongphob's eyes fleeting away from his gaze. And Knot even got one flower!

..No. Arthit is not jealous, damnit!

Finally, finally Kongphob's eyes met his. The smile turned into grin, a little childish and contrasting his cool and charming image he seems intent to build with everyone else. the younger man approached him casually, and greeted him with simple words.

"Morning, P' Arthit."

"Hm." Arthit readied himself to look busy, wanting to ignore the immature man by reading the script.

"Aw, Phi~"

..he seemed to heard a whine coming from Kongphob's mouth. As Arthit raised his head to look at the younger man, he was met with the most puppy eyed look he ever seen.

"What?" Arthit started to feel uncomfortable. Did he feel like he hurt the younger man's feeling and now pitying him?!

Kongphob doesn't notice how perturbed Arthit feels right now and finally gives him a smile. "Here, Phi." He said, offering a parcel full of chocolate. All of it was Arthit's favorite.


"Why?" Arthit frowned. Everyone else got flowers, but why is he the only one who got chocolate? Granted, it's not like he wants or like any flower, but it's seems unfair to him.

"Only the best for my love interest." Kongphob chuckled, grabbing Arthit's hand so he would accept the parcel of chocholate.

The hell?! What was he supposed to do with how Kongphob acted now?!

"..Thanks." was all Arthit could say in this situation. And the younger man has audacity to wink at him!

Ughh.. this will be some long months with Kongphob by his side.

He hopes he wouldn't murder the younger man in the process.


I legit only have the rough plot in my mind for 'Color in Monochrome'. But for those who is interested, here is a little bit of the real summary : "One sees the world in greys. The other sees the color crowding his vision. One feels the warm of the family, while the other caged in cold luxury. When they met again, seeing the change from each other, will the promise they uttered be fulfilled?"

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