Scene 3

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A/N : Oh my God! I don't have friends I can talk to about LBC right now (they all busy with work even though it's weekend.. T^T) so Imma squealing like crazy here. Ep 9 is really made me laugh like crazy! I even slapping my bed repeatedly. Lol how can Ae compliment how Pete smell so casually like that?! They are so awkwardly cute! And Pete, damn.. he finally took the matter into his own hand! Lol All I can think about after they did the deed (lol) was, "Damn, Kong.. I want to see you to act lovey-dovey with Arthit like this." XD Most importantly, I'm feeling jealous because Ae has Pond! Shia Ai' Pond! Come here and befriend me! Lol

On a side note, has anyone watch 'Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation'? Damn, that anime is superb!


"So, what do you say for yourself?" Toota bellowed as he entered the room and slapped a magazine on the table. The creative staff ushered both Arthit and Knot to look at it. both of them immediately saw the face of the man Arthit kissed last night on the front of the magazine. Arthit can feel that his headache won't go away anytime soon. He just glad that as soon as they enter the agency building (fortunately the reporter hadn't gathered much this morning) Bright excused himself to do his work. He can imagine how that bastard would worsened the situation with his antics.

"I'm very sorry." Arthit murmured, feeling contrite since the first time he saw the photo. He can't bear himself to go check the social media. He bet it's already full of speculation and gossip he rather not know about.

"So the possibility of him climbing the ladder is high?" Knot makes sure as he observed the magazine more closely. Toota laughed so hard and clapped his thigh so hard Arthit winced in sympathy.

"Climbing ladder? Climbing ladder?! Why would he need to do that? By just throwing his name around will result in high exposure!" Toota proclaimed, not stopping his laugh. "He is the Kongphob freaking Sutthiluck!"

..the what, now?

"Come again?" Arthit was puzzled with this revelation. Knot though, look so surprised his face look comical with eyes large and mouth gaping widely.

"Kong.. That Kongphob Sutthiluck?" he said with akin of horror in his voice. He seems to be half in wonder and half in disbelief. Toota nodded with a manic gleam in his eyes and a smirk pasted on his face. Arthit coughed loudly to attract his friends' attention again.

"Who is this Kongphob anyway?" he demanded, frowning all the while. This won't do, his laziness about social media seems intent to fail him today.

"Ai' Arthiiitt~ you just got kissed by the one and only son from one of the richest man in Thailand!" Toota shrilled, shaking his body in his excitement.

The fuck??

"You must be joking." Arthit squinted his eyes dangerously to his chubby friend, but looking at how serious Knot look right now, he must concede that it's real. He slumped back to his seat, massaging his head.

Ugh.. the paparazzi must have a field day, huh?


"What about the reporter?" Arthit exclaimed, slamming his hands on the table. Toota though, he grins widely while Knot checked the situation downstairs through the window.

"Oh. You got lucky. Not long after you came, all reporters set camps outside." His chubby friend said airily.

"Fuck." Knot cursed from the window. If even Knot started cursing, Arthit knew that the situation just got worse.

"What should we do? we can't just say that I drunk-kissed the man, right? We have to find him first!" he began to panic.

"That's easy." Toota chimed. "The guy is downstairs, in one of our studio. He had an early photo-shoot today."

Arthit immediately set to get out from the room in rocket speed. He can't waste the little time he has. If the reporters that gathers outside grow larger than this, the director would order him to do press release. Come to think about it, he wonders why he doesn't need to go to him as soon as the photo widespread. Well, he just need to focus with this one first. Let's think about that later.

As he passed the staff and fellow colleague when he went down the floor, he thinks of how far he come to this point. He still remembers how all his career started because a dare his friends put upon him. They bet Arthit won't win the national singing contest when he was just in high school. So he proved to them that he can get to the top ten. And then, when his singing career looks so good just few years after he sign the contract to the agency, many jealous actors grumbling and mocking him behind his back how he won't be that successful if he was an actor. So he, once again proved to them that he can be successful as an actor. Now that he is 25 almost 26 years old, he is a successful singer turned actor and he was always busy doing his job peacefully.

Until that damn Kongphob. How the hell can he suddenly drunk-kissed a man anyway?!! Arthit really want to scream.

Without patience, he barged into one of the studio room where he found that damn Kongphob leisurely checking his photo result. He immediately grabbed the man by the collar and dragged him to the deserted area.

"How can you be so casual about this mess?!" he yells to the man's face. The younger man though, only smirks almost childishly.

"Did I get your attention, Phi?" he asked.

"In the most annoying way possible!" Arthit gritted his teeth in anger.

"Good." Was all the other man said.



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