Chapter 5

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y/n pov

I was caught off guard when I entered the building a lot of bald eagle statues. The ones on the walls looked like they had cannons coming out of their chest and there was on in a general suit in the middle of the room.

(y/n) "I honestly think I should stop questioning this  place and expect anything and everything"

(Booker) "you think" He walked passed me as he said that 

(Y/n) "shut up" we found a model of soldiers field in one of the side rooms.

(Elizabeth) "soldier's field built in 1903 by the hand of our prophet" I rolled my eyes

(booker) what interest does a prophet have in a bunch of carnies and carousels?" 

(y/n) "I feel like this is an ego booster more than anything"

(Elizabeth) "this place is themed to acquaint children with national Service."

 (Booker) "you mean the military" I leaned against the wall as the looked at the model 

(y/n)" figures if Comstock knew we were coming he would need plenty of soldiers to fight against us especially with the giant mess we already made"

(Booker)"guess they weren't prepared for the false shepherd and the-" he did a fake cough clearly not wanting to call me the name I was given.

(Y/n) "whore" I looked at Booker with a raised brow

(Booker)" yeah"

(Elizabeth) " Why do they call you that?"

(y/n) " old job used to take rich men to the back room saying I would "entertain" them I'd drug them and steal whatever cash they had to help friends who were suffering"

(Booker) "what about family Comstock said you murdered your family?"

(Y/n) " something like that I - messed with the wrong guy and he kidnapped them and made me kill them in different ways." I looked down at the ground.

(Booker) "One of them was being pushed off a building?" I nodded  

(Y/n) "He held me in a cell until he was ready to kill me that's when the lutece twins found me made me an offer I couldn't refuse"

(Elizabeth) "get me out of the tower?"

(y/n) " yup got me out of a death sentence so I didn't care what would happen as long as I got to live a bit longer" I looked at the symbol on my hand then closed it into a fist. when I looked up I saw a sympathetic look on Elizabeth's face and a glimpse of one on Booker's.

(Y/n) "Alright enough about me l-lets just move" I quickly got off the wall and left the room and tried to go past the gate with the generator next to it burst and the gate closed in front of me.

(y/n) " Oh for the love of-" I tried lifting it but it was too heavy once I gave up I kicked it. I soon felt a hand on my shoulder.

(Booker) " here let me try"  I moved out of his way as he started to lift the gate. Once it was open enough we saw a sign for Shock Jockey.

( Elizabeth) "shock jockey. Who needs a power company"

(Booker) " some fools alternately to electricity"

 (Elizabeth) "Doesn't seem to work very well" 

(Y/n) "Probably works wonders... until someone needs it" pointing my thumb to the gate behind us.

(Booker) " sounds about right" we finally made it outside and the airship is flying over our heads.

(Booker)  "There it is. The first lady looks like it's heading for the docks"

BioShock Infinite Booker Dewitt x reader (slow updates)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن