In your room, was three presents. One of them was a couple of Sam's flannels, because he knew you loved to sleep in his or Dean's. Another one was a spare key to Baby (You laughed at that). And the last one was a BIG bouquet of red roses.

You shook your head at the boys and put the presents away, leaving one of Sam's flannels out to sleep in. You slipped on the flannel and a pair of spandex shorts. You made sure to lock your bedroom door so the boys couldn't interuppt you while you slept.

You fell asleep in a peaceful slumber.

The next morning, you woke up to arguing. That was the annoying part of this stupid spell. They argue alot.

So you trudged out of bed and down the hall to the kitchen. All the boys were fighting over who was going to make you breakfast. Sam grabbed flour and threw it at Dean, you tried not to laugh. Then Dean grabbed an egg and tried to throw it at Sam, but Cas got in the way. That's when it turned into an all out food fight.

You laughed for a couple moments before deciding that was enough.

"BOYS!" All three men stopped and looked at you.

They all blushed and tried to hide their embarrassment.

"I'll just go out and get breakfast." You told them.

"I'll go with you!" They said in union then glared at each other.

"No! You will stay and clean this mess up. I will go out and get us breakfast!" You ordered.

They all sheepishly nodded and got to work. You trudged to your room and dressed quickly, grabbing your extra key to Baby, and walking out the door to the garage.

You hopped in and drove to a local diner. You ordered yours and the boy's food and waited for a while.

"You look stressed." The waitress told you.

"I got three boys at home who won't stop arguing." You told her.

"I got two girls. How old?" She asked.

"All almost forty." She gave you a surprised look. "Yeah. They act like their five. They all want to please me so It's 'I'll do it!" 'no, I'll do it!' I hate it." You told her.

"Spank 'em. Works every time." She smiled then walked off to get your food.

She handed it over.

"Good luck with them boys." She smiled.

You thanked her and walked out, getting into baby. You drove home as slow as possible, not wanting to encounter the boys now.

You got back to the bunker quicker than you wanted to. You parked Baby and head inside.

"Please tell me you're back to normal!" You shouted, walking inside.

"Y/N IS BACK!" Dean shouted excitedly and ran over to hug you.

He took the food off your hands as Cas came bounding around the corner to hug you as well.

"Hi boys." You laughed.

Sam walked in and raised an eyebrow at Cas and Dean.

"Please tell me you're back to normal?" You gave Sam a hopeful look.

"For the most part, yeah." He nodded.

"Oh thank god." You sat down in the kitchen.

Cas and Dean passed out food. Then you and Sam got to work on a cure. Sam wasn't completely cured, because you could see him staring at you in complete awe from the corner of your eye. You would snap your fingers and point to the books and he would get right back to work.

"I think I found it." He showed you the book.

"It's not suppose to make it go away quickly but it'll go alot faster." He told you.

There was a hint of nervousness in his tone, probably from being too close to you.

"Let's do it!" You exclaimed.

You made Cas get whatever you needed, then you mixes the potion together and put them in two seperate cups.


Both boys came bounding in to give you whatever you needed.

"Need me to make another run?" Cas asked.

"No. Drink." You commanded, handing them the potion.

They did as told as drank the potion, you even gave Sam a glass to cure his tiny crush.

"Well?" You asked Cas and Dean.

Both were suddenly blushing in embarrassment and you realized it worked. Then you started laughing. It was hilarious.

"Not funny." Dean grumbled.

"Extremely funny." You laughed.

Then Sam started to laugh, having experienced the two men fangirling over you.

"Oh gosh, that was great. Oh by the way, here." You handed Dean the key back.

He paused from grabbing it.

"Keep it." He finally said.

"What? Did the potion not work?" You asked, shocked.

"Nah, just keep it." He shrugged.

Cas flashed away, obviously embarassed and Dean ran away to his room.

"I'm keeping the flannels!" You told Sam as he headed towards the kitchen.

"I figured!" He shouted in return.

Finally, you let out a final laugh before begining to clean up the books.

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