Chapter Five

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[A/N: There were minor text edits and a timeline fix for the previous chapters. If time seems to have "jumped" for any of you, you may go back and read the edited chapters again or take my word for it. :) Either way, Sofia has been in Asodoria for about three weeks.]

**A massive thank you to thatgreencj for making my cover**  

Another massive thank you to everyone for reading and enjoying!  

I wasn't sure why I had agreed to go shopping with Ava Laestrom. It was, quite possibly, the worst decision I had ever made. She had caught me off guard a few days later; I was coming in from riding horses and on a high from the exhilaration. I was about to shower and change, knowing Alex would be home soon.

"Did you enjoy your ride?" She asked me from the front sitting room, as I made my way towards the grand staircase. She made me jump - I didn't see her when I entered the room.

"Yes," I replied, blushing at my jumpiness.

"Good," she said, smiling at me. I hesitated at the foot of the stairs, unsure of what she wanted. "I've been meaning to ask you, dear, if you wanted to go shopping with me. I've so been looking forward to learning more about you and spending time with you." I was quiet; I really didn't want to say yes. "I never had a daughter, you see." She added. "Alexzander is not much of a shopper."

"That would be nice," I told her even though I felt the exact opposite way.

"Wonderful!" She exclaimed, standing from her chair and crossing to embrace me. I hugged her back and she smiled at me as we pulled away from each other. Tears were in her eyes. "If you'll excuse me," she said, motioning to her face. "I can be a bit emotional. It's just...we are so excited to have you here, Sofia. I hope that with time, you can feel more comfortable with us and embrace this."

"Thank you," I replied, touched at her words.

Now, as we drove to the mall in downtown Bellemont, (the capital of Asodoria, about 20 minutes away from the Laestrom residence) I wasn't feeling as sentimental. Before he had left for work that morning, Alex had given me his credit card, much to my disagreement. He wouldn't take no for an answer, so I had accepted it begrudgingly. I'm sure that had something to do with my foul mood as well.

"We'll mostly just shop so you can have some more things," Ava was saying. "You didn't bring much with you and you need to fill that closet up! You took so little from my collection." I hadn't liked many of her clothes, they were too formal for me. I wondered if my style would have to change, being a future Laestrom. "There is a ball coming up next week, so I know we'll have to get you a gown and get you fitted today. I booked us for two hours at my favorite boutique after lunch."

"Sounds good," I replied, looking out the window as she drove.

Finally, we pulled into the mall parking lot and entered through a department store. I followed her to the shoe section, and the fun began.

I thought shopping with Ava Laestrom would be a nightmare, but it was actually kind of fun. When I went with Kendall, she would get annoyed when I would try things on that she didn't like but Ava was my personal hype woman - if it looked good, she would tell me, even if it wasn't her style. If she didn't like it, she wouldn't say much, which made me laugh. I never thought that I would be the one to make Ava Laestrom speechless. She actually found things that I loved and we went to store after store, our purchases stacking up. Eventually, she had a maid meet us so she could take our things to the car for us and she trailed behind us as we shopped along. Ava bought me a designer purse - her welcome home gift to me.

"You've already bought me too many welcome home gifts!" I protested, Alex's card in my hand as she swiped her own.

"Last one," she said, although I doubted it. "I just want to spoil you too." She said, passing the bag to her maid.

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