Chapter 7: Can You Stay?

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I wake up with Asa and nugget hugging me. I don't even remember what happened after the kiss. I breath in and the smell of Asa's colon from yesterday and it wakes me up. I sit up and stretch. I look at Asa still sleeping like a little baby. I bite my lip trying to stop the urge of kissing him. I then get off the bed end go brush my teeth. I look at myself in the mirror and think, I really got the guy of my dreams.

I after finishing brushing my teeth I hear a knock at the door," Hi it's me we need to talk,"Asa says nervously. Oh my gosh is this really gonna end is he gonna break up with. Did my breath smell bad or am I a bad kisser. SHIT! All this thoughts were running through my head.

"Um ok I'm coming," I look at myself and under my breath I say "don't cry."I come out and I see him sitting on my bed. It was made, gosh how cute. I sit next to him.

He breaths in and says" I'm leaving you."

"Wait what, what did I do," I start to tear up.

"Oh my gosh no I mean I'm leaving to go to London I can't stay here I have school." I look down and start to cry I didn't want him to leave me I want to feel his present near me.

"Um I know it's stupid and all but can I come with you, it can work I go to your school and everything," i say look deeply into his eye with emotion so he would say yes. Then he sighs and I start to pout my lips.

"Ok then go tell your mom and pack your things we are going tomorrow, I-I-I love you Alexa,"he says kiss me.

"I love you too!"I smile. He said it first, I can't believe it. We go downstairs and tell my mom that I'm leaving tomorrow and she laughs.

"Honey I know Jackie, Asa's mom told me and you staying at their house for the year." Me and Asa look at each other. We didn't even know, HE didn't even know I was staying at his house for a year. I laugh I grab his hand and I run up stairs.

"Now I have to tell u something," I take his hand and put it in mine,"Nugget must be treated like a REAL child we must bring him everywhere, Ok?"

"Ok,"he smiles at me and grabs nugget and starts to tap his little nose. I giggle. Then i remember that I have my baby stroller from when I was little. I tell Asa to wait and I run down to my basement I go to all my old baby stuff and the stroller. I come back upstairs with my old baby blanket, clothes, toys , and stroller. Asa looks at me and does his "Ha Ha" laugh. I walk over to my bed and drop everything their. Asa is still holding Nugget.

I hold up a little red Mickey Mouse sweater," How is this should we put it on him?"

He giggles, " Yes it will match his completion." Then we put the sweater and little baby pants on him. He starts to cradle nugget then I start to start at him. He is such a cute "Dad". Then I go in my closet. I remember I had a baby alive bottle with fake milk.

"Found it!" I yell.

"Found what?"

"A baby's bottle I don't breast feed," I say flipping my hair. He laughs. WHY IS HIS LAUGH SO CUTE! Then I take nugget from Asa and I put the bottle to his big frog lips. I start to rub nuggets head, then I notice I have to start packing.

"Hold him please,honey"I say winking. I him nugget and I run into my moms room and get my suitcase. I wheel it back in my room. It was a big lime green suitcase with pokadots. I thought of Asa when I bought it.

I open my drawer and take all my clothes and plop them in my suitcase. I look at Asa he looks at me in a "are u serious" face.

"I'll buy more clothes there anyways,"and I grin. Then I take my winter jacket and stuff it in because it was already packed with my shirt,pants, skirts ,and other stuff.I was gonna takmy other stuff in my purse. Then I get my moms old baby bag and put all of nugget stuff in it. I'm done finally. I sit in my bed and I rest my head on Asa's head.

"You hungry?" He asked look down at me. His breath warmed my face.

"Sure, I'll get nugget ready,"I smile and he giggles. I don't think we've gotten used to the thought of treating him like a REAL child. I wrap Nugget in my baby blanket and he looked like a real baby but You couldn't really see his face. I put him in the big baby stroller at I take the baby bag. " all set let's go out, let's walk there is a small family restaurant in that corner." I say pointing to the left of my window. Asa help me. Carry the baby stroller down stairs.

When we got our the smell of sweet fresh cut grass hit our faces. I wheel nugget out. Why do I feel like a married couple? It's so weird. Then I hear Asa giggling. I look at him and say "What?" He points to a couple looking at us. They look at us in a wrong way. " they think nuggets real," he says looking at me. "He is," I say lightly slapping his arm. He whispers sorry.

We finally get to the restaurant. People were looking at us weird. The waiter comes over to us takes us to a table and gives us the menu and leaves.

Then an old lady comes over to us and says," Awe can I see your brother?"

"What oh the baby no it ours," I say smiling at Asa," we have one on the way," saying patting my stomach. "Me and my HUSBAND are great baby makers," I say winking at him. He giggles but stops himself.

"Oh my, good luck kids," the old lady says shaking her head. We start laughing. Then the waiter comes and we say our orders she gives us a dirty look. I look at Asa and I take out a penny " this is her tip." We laugh.

After finishing and giving the waiter the her "tip" we head home. The smell of cut grass changed to a musky humid smell and the sky was a grayish colour. We got home 10 minutes later then it look us getting there. I yawn he yawns I plop down on the coach not even thinking of Asa.

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