Chapter 5: Morning Honey

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I wake up, and I notice I'm still laying on his chest. I can feel him breath. His stomach going up and down, as he breaths in and out. I look up and I see him just starring at me. We smile at each other. His eyes were he bright blue, not like yesterday it was more of a darker shape

"COME DOWN ITS BREAKFAST," I'm guessing you know who just yelled that out, Jessica.

"We are coming," I say as me and Asa get up. We both look tired, then we both yawn. It was pretty silent but it like we would talk to each other just by looking at each other. He looks in the mirror trying to fix his hair.

"Wait,"I walk up to him and push back his dark brown hair,"That better?" He nods. It was so peace full. We go down stairs. We both smell sausages, we look at each to other and run to the kitchen.

"Calm down guys, there is food for everyone," my mom says.

"But Mrs.Stewart it smells soooo good," Asa mouth was watering. I laugh, he looks at me and smiles. Then my best friend Joy texts me:

Joy: Hey you wanna go to the Fair

Alexa: Sure let me ask my Boyfriend

Joy: OOOOH you have a boyfriend

Alexa: He says ok

Joy: who is he, do I know him

Alexa: Not Telling And yes you do know him not personally

Joy: ok byyyyyyyeeeeee

I go up to the stove and steal a piece of sausage for Asa. He eats it hole. Then my sister walks by and winks at me. I mouth "I told you I can get him". Asa looks at me confused. Crap! He "heard" me. I grab his hand and sit him down at the dinner table.

"Wait here my sisters, jealous," I wink at him. My sister brings me to the corner of the wall.

She lightly slaps my face," Just, how did you do"

"Do what," I try to annoy her.

"You know what I mean," she puts her hands on her hips.

" Well you kinda made it happen you dropped me off earlier then him," I say sassy like

"Wow, he is actually really cute," she looks over at him.

"Told you," I say and leave and sit at the table. He looks at me and mouths "what happened" and I mouth " Don't worry". My mom and sister come over with the food. Both our stomach rumble. We take a bunch of food and pack our plats. We eat without hesitation. This time my stomach was bloated and his stomach was straight and flat like always.

"You wanna to the fair now?"

"Sure, but first let me go to my car I have extra cloths," he says

"Ok will you do that I'll change," I say mysteriously. I was going to wear my " I Love Asa Butterfield Get Over It" shirt. I wanted to see his reaction. I run up stairs and put on my cloths. I pair the shirt with some jeans. I tie my hair up in a high pony tail. He walks in will I was going to put on my make up.

"NO!!!," he yells. I jumped i got scared.

"Whhhhhaaaat," I exclaim

He walks up to me and takes my eyeliner," your beautiful with it, you have beautiful brown eyes, and beautiful pink lips. Let's go all natural today." I nod. It's hard to leave it but Asa told I don't need it I'm not gonna wear it, for today. We go down stairs and I yell good bye to everyone. No response.We get into his car.

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