You Can Run, But You Can't Hide

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The bell to leave rings. I get up slowly, trying to think of a way to get to the quad without using the main hallway. I come up with nothing and decide to just wait in the bathroom until passing period is over. What the hell is this? Vampires don't hide! When the final bell rings, I walk out towards the quad, taking the changing leaves in. I love autumn. It never ceases to amaze me. It's a season of shedding our old selves and starting anew. Lost in my thoughts, I wander into the quad without noticing him sitting on a bench. I jolt back and try to leave quietly.

"Don't go," I hear from behind me. His voice was deep and seductive like chocolate. Like blood. Don't think about it. Keep control. "I saw you in the hallway. You were avoiding me. Why?" I stood there watching him. I couldn't tell him why. I couldn't tell him about the dreams. I'm teleported back into the same dream I've been having for over a century and a half. 

I run out into the garden. It almost looks magical here tonight with the flowers drenched in soft moonlight. "It's beautiful," a deep voice says from behind me, "almost as beautiful as you ma'am." I stop and smile.

"You think I'm beautiful, sir?" I ask coyly, as I turn around to face him. He smiles and walks slowly forward.

"I do. As beautiful as a rose after a spring rain," he smiles and steps closer until he's inches from my face. 

"My word Wesley, you're such a tease," I say softly as I put my hand on his chest. If it was a loving gesture or a protective barrier, I do not know. He lifted the small, black veil that partially covered my face.

"Why hide such a beautiful face?" He says quietly, leaning in. Our lips meet. Then I feel my fangs extend. No.

I gasp as I'm propelled back into the present. How can he be standing before me? Then I realized that I loved him. No! I can't be trusted around him! I'll only hurt him. And I can't handle that. He gets up and stand in front of me. I can almost see the dream unfolding before me. 

"Wesley, don't," I say quietly. He chuckles and looks down.

"She even knowns my name," He looks up and sighs. "I need answers Elizabeth." I feel my eyes widen.

"How do you know my name?" I ask surprised. He smiles. Oh my that smile. He's perfect.

"Probably the same way you know mine," He looks down. "I've been having these, uh, dreams for as long as I can remeber." Well hell.

I felt my body stiffen. "Dreams? What kind of dreams?" And then he launched into the tale that is the same dream as mine. Minus the killing him part of course. When he was finished, I crossed my arms. "There's only one thing to do. I gotta go. I'll find you after school." 

"But, wait.." I heard from behind me, but I was already around the corner and out of sight.

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