Sleep Over Anyone?

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When I woke up, I was in Percy's bed, my head— as well as Charlie's— on his chest, with Wesley's arm wrapped around me from behind. You would think I would be weirded out by finding myself in bed with 3 men, 2 of which were absoultely, fabulously gay — for eachother— but no. Percy is like a brother, Charlie a brother in law, and Wesley is the love of my life, so no, no weirdness what so ever. Okay, maybe a little weirdness. I curled deeper into Wesley's embrace, which led him to tighten his hold around me. He nuzzled into my hair and let out a soft, sleepy, completely content sigh. Just wait until he wakes up to find himself in bed with his girlfriend and 2 gay men. I laughed to myself about that one. Thankfully we were all fully clothed and nothing happened. We just needed each other's company. Well, I needed their company. And they knew I need them. Hence the glorious sleep over. I leaned and kissed Wesley's cheek before crawling out of bed and heading down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Glancing around, grabbed the milk and a couple eggs and headed towards the pantry. I'm glad Charlie went grocery shopping and got stuff that they would actually eat. I open a cabinet after making the mix for some pretty awesome waffles, and vola there's sprinkles in the cabinet just as I knew there would be. Hello it Charlie. I laugh quietly to myself. I mix the sprinkles in and pour the batter into the waffle iron and sure enough here comes Charlie down the stairs, a mess of blue spikes and eyes barely open. After a cat-like stretch and a quick yawn he peeks around the corner. "Do I smell waffles??" I nod with a smile and he sighs. "Yes!! If I wasn't gay, girl I would marry you," he kisses my head and takes his plate, "Oooo, sprinkles!" About half an hour later, Wesley and Percy soon followed.

Licking his lips slightly and leaning back in his chair at the table, Percy sets his now empty cup down. "I haven't had food in over a millennia, but my once human body says those waffles smell and look pretty damn good," he says with a grin, "and they have sprinkles." I give him a small smile.

"Maybe I should just start putting sprinkles on all the food I make the boys." Percy makes a face of pure distaste.

"Really hunny? Spaghetti and sprinkles? Ew."

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