thank you!

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my heart is literally so full omg... thank you guys a ton. i know thank you notes aren't exactly formal in books but i have to say something.

writing oao has been one of the best things i've decided to do. i still can't believe how i managed to get people into my book, and by that i don't mean "i'm a terrible author and my books suck :(", but that i never really expected attention. i write for fun, and i write for myself. everything that ever happened in oao was because i wanted it to lmao! but i decided to share my stories one day and i really cannot believe how far they've gone...

and i'm not trying to be sappy!! i just wanted to genuinely thank you guys. every time i got praise on my writing i felt my heart warm. i think that if it weren't for all of you guys, i would have stopped writing so much by now.

i will admit, when updates started getting slower (like... noticeably slower. once a month probably), i wasn't really the happiest i could be, and i never had the motivation to write. but because of that, i wanted to make this ending the best it could be, i wanted it to be something i can be very proud with what i wrote. and although it may not be perfection, flaws are always a beautiful thing in books.

i wanted my characters to be HUMAN. they have ups and downs. they're flawed. but because of that, my goal was to be able to make the readers understand them more. i wanted their emotions to not be words on a page, but a message portrayed by literacy. i wanted to be able to feel my characters' emotions, not just read them. i wanted to cry, smile, feel second hand embarrassment. i want to show that nothing is perfect. love itself cannot be perfect. love is messy. love is complicated and it can tear you apart. but love is euphoric. it's a one-of-a-kind feeling that's hard to find elsewhere. something that you could sacrifice everything for. i hope i portrayed all of this correctly!

you guys are literally the sweetest. i'm not lying one bit when i say thank you guys so so much for showing your appreciation towards my works. every comment, every favorite, every read is so special and i really thank you guys for reading. i can only hope you have enjoyed my fics, and that as i work harder and improve in the future you will still support me.

this has been such a fucking joy to write, every publish made me smile in anticipation thinking of your reactions. i've had so much fun writing this and it is one of my favorites i've ever written. of course, there will be future fics i am excited to work on as well... ;)

it still amazes me that you guys have shown me so much love and appreciation, i hope you all know i love you guys just the same. also- sorry for making you cry, lmao. but, with that, i hope you smiled and laughed reading this fic, too!

hahah i probably sound so cliche and stupid.. but really. i fear you guys won't know how much i appreciate you. i really do. but unfortunately, all i can give you in return for your kudos, hits, heartwarming messages and comments are my fics. hopefully it's adequate, though!!

there are some really amazing authors in this fandom. i've been categorized as one of the most powerful ones by some readers, and holy shit, i blushed hard. u guys are so sweet i love you. thank u!!!

thank you for reading! thank you for liking my story! (at least i hope lmao.) thank you for showing me gratitude for my writing, a hobby of mine i do purely for fun becoming one that i get to share with you guys. becoming a journey i get to explore not alone, but alongside you guys too. i don't even know how to explain it.

i never once thought, at the very beginning, that there would be people actually talking about my fics, people crying from them, people complimenting them... etc. i'm so smiley writing this, oh my gosh djdjdkfmdjs. but in all sincerity, i thank you for everything. am i extra for writing a giant ass thank you note? okay, maybe. but really.

as i go forward in the future, i hope you continue to support me, and i will continue to supply you. thank you for reading over and over. i hope you enjoyed it as much as i have!


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