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a/n: okay, i'm warning you guys now that these chapters are going to be long. i know some people don't like long chapters, so i apologize. but if you'd prefer shorter chapters with more frequent updates then tell me because i can definitely do that!!! anyway buckle up because this chapter is full of everything a first chapter could give you, you're gonna need a seat belt because this is a bumpy road

"Oh, God," Jungeun rolled her eyes and pried the girl's arm off of herself. "Let me live a little, Jinsoul. Exams are next week and I needed to relieve some stress. Not too likely now that you're here bugging me, though..."

Jinsoul laughed as she finished eye-fucking Jungeun, which was the closest Jungeun would ever let Jinsoul get to fucking her. "Oh, come on, babe. We both know you would have been stuck in this corner all night if it wasn't for me, so don't act like you're not affected by my company."

"I am. I'm disgusted by it."

Jinsoul snickered, shaking her head as she held onto Jungeun's wrist to drag her through the crowd. They ended up in the middle of drunken bodies and lust-filled chaos, which Jinsoul didn't seem to be put off by it in the slightest.

"What if I can help you have a good time?" Jinsoul began to dance with little effort, both her hands wrapped around Jungeun's wrists as she swayed her hips. Her smile was lazy as she moved with the music of the blasting speakers.

"I'd honestly be surprised if you could grant me any happiness at this dumb party..." Jungeun wanted to snap her wrists out of Jinsoul's grip, but from the amount of alcohol she's had before this, she couldn't notice. All she was trying focus on was the fact that the girl who's probably hooked up with more women than Jungeun could count was trying to make Jungeun have a 'good time'. She huffed, repeating her morals over and over in her head.

"Seems like you've had enough drinks to let me at least try," Jinsoul smirked as she started to move Jungeun by her grip on her wrists as if she were a marionette. It seemed to be working, though, considering Jungeun soon found her own rhythm to the beat.

"Trust me, no amount of alcohol could convince me to get into your bed," Jungeun had to stop herself from rolling her eyes again, as she faked a grunt to try and further convey her annoyance.

"Maybe we'll see by the end of the night," Jinsoul's hands slowly slipped down and found their way into Jungeun's palms. "You can't reject me just yet, you'll see. I'm irresistible." Jungeun groaned at Jinsoul doing the impossible, making her not-so-little ego reveal itself even more than it has been.

"Irresistibly punchable," Jungeun avoided eye contact with Jinsoul as she looked at anything else she could get her eyes on, ignoring Jinsoul's loose, yet undeniably attractive outfit. Jinsoul laughed at Jungeun's remark. Being hard to get was one of Jungeun's many charms that had attracted Jinsoul like a magnet. She wanted to get her, to chase her down and have her exactly where she wanted her. She wanted to ruin her completely, and, with enough influence, Jinsoul was determined to make that tonight. She was already a step ahead of where she had previously been, considering Jungeun wasn't slapping her across the face at their intertwined hands.

Jinsoul lead Jungeun in their dance, and maybe, just maybe, Jungeun was having a little fun. A little. The tiniest speck, and it was only because she wasn't looking at the person she was dancing with. If Jinsoul had any plans of getting into Jungeun's pants tonight, consider them good as gone, Jungeun was not giving in already. Or, preferably, ever.

"Why don't you look at me?" Jinsoul tried to meet Jungeun's eye, but to no prevail.

"Because I might barf all over you. Unless you're into that, which is quite possible considering you're Jung Jinsoul," Jungeun spat the name irritably, feeling herself getting pulled closer to the girl.

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