"Do you know who he is? Where he is and why she contacted him?"

"Yes I am afraid, for her sake, that we know the answers to all of those questions."

"Am I allowed to know? Or am I being released from my duty as a guardian because I didn't know this about my own charge?"

"You are not being punished in any way whatsoever Guardian Moore. Most people can't read minds, so there is no way that you could have known about any of this. As for if you are allowed to know, the answer is yes. If you are sure that you want to know then I will make sure that you know the truth."

He sighed, "I feel that I need to know your majesty. If that is all right with you that is?"

"That is fine. Would you like me to have the two phone calls played for you now? Or would you rather be alone when you hear them? They are rather graphic and disturbing."

"If it's all right with you your majesty I would actually rather do this alone."

She reached across the table and patted him on the hand, she is such a caring and understanding queen.

"I understand completely. I will have someone bring in a laptop a pair of head phones and one of the copies of the phone calls after we finish here. And if you would like to watch her interrogation recording then we can arrange for that as well."

"Thank you your majesty, I really appreciate that. And I can tell that the things that she has always said about you are not true. You are a truly good, kind, caring, gentle and loving soul." He was right, my Roza is all of those things and many many more.

"What has she said about my fiancée?!!" I asked while trying to keep a tight hold on my temper and along with it, my massive over protective streak.

"She has repeatedly called her all kinds of hideous names. She has accused her majesty of blackmailing, bribing and sleeping her way into her position as queen. She said that before you met her royal majesty that you were in love with her."

"I can assure you Guardian Moore, that nothing could ever be further from the truth. On both statements."

"I believe you Guardian Belikov, I have noticed the way that Tasha has been obsessed with you. She says that her royal majesty has put you under some kind of spell, a spell that turned you away from her and to our queen. She says that our incredibly kind queen is a witch and it just goes on and on and on from there."

I shook my head at Tasha's antics. Guardian Moore didn't call me king because very few people actually knew that I was already king. I know this because I just recently found that out myself.

"When we would make love she would always call out your name. In her sleep she would say that she loves you and that she can't wait to raise the princes and princesses with you. Of course she didn't call them princes and princesses."

"What did she call my children?!" I asked furiously.

"She called them the blood whore's children."

"I am so sorry that you have had to live with this Guardian Moore. But may I ask, if you knew all of this then why didn't you leave?" My angel asked as she patted me on the hand trying to calm me down, but I could tell that she was just as furious as I am.

"The biggest reason is that I think that I love her, another is that she is my charge. I was assigned to keep her safe and I couldn't do that if I wasn't with her."

It's just as I thought. Yet another guardian that didn't think that they had a choice but to remain with their charge no matter what.

"We understand Guardian Moore. Both Mitya and I definitely understand the position that you found yourself in. It is difficult to guard and protect someone properly when you resent or dislike them or the things that they do. Don't worry because you are not the first to be in that position and I am afraid that you probably won't be the last. But I am going to set up an agency that guardians can contact if or when they need to be reassigned for any legitimate reason whatsoever."

"That would be a great help to guardians all over the world your majesty."

"Thank you. I have a question for you Guardian Moore, would you like to retire or would you like to transfer out of the country or is there another type of assignment that you would like?"

"Well, now that you mentioned it, if it is at all possible I would like to help with this new agency that you were just talking about."

"What a wonderful idea!! It will take a few months to get everything in its proper position to set everything up. Do you think that in that time that you could find approximately ten non-guardian dhampir, ten non-royal moroi and ten guardians that would like to help you with this project?"

"It would be my honor and privilege your majesty. Would I be able to use guardians who are supposedly in disgrace for things their charges forced them to do? Or for things that they refused to do?"

"I don't see why not, it would be on a case by case bases of course. As long as it is nothing that they actually did wrong. Then yes, I think that would be a truly great way to go about this. It could possibly get them to working as guardians again while also boosting our guardian numbers and morale. If possible you could also find any exiled or deserting guardians that still wish to be guardians if we can possibly fix the problem of why they aren't guardians anymore."

My fiancée is bloody brilliant, that truly would be one way to possibly bolster our guardian numbers. It would also be a way of letting those that ran to be with other guardians know that they were more than welcome with us even if they wanted to be together. As I said, bloody brilliant. The mother of my children is a truly amazing woman, mother, fiancée and queen. Just as I always knew that she was and would be.

"Thank you, your majesty."

"You are very welcome, Guardian Moore."

"When would I get started?"

"After the former Lady Natasha Ozera's trial is concluded. You may be called upon to testify and if so then you should be at court ready to do so."

"Yes, of course your majesty whatever I can do to help."

"Thank you, Guardian Moore. Please get in touch with Head Guardian Croft at the earliest convenience for the both of you, for files to look through as well as a residence assignment. Did you leave anything in Minneapolis?"

"Yes, there a few of my parents things that are still there."

"Well, the trial won't be until next week. So why don't you go back and gather your things? Take a few days off after you have listened to the recordings to get your thoughts and feelings together. Just in case you are called upon to testify."

"Thank you again your majesty, you are truly a gracious and amazing queen. I don't understand how she could say such terrible and vicious things about you."

"Thank you Guardian Moore, that is very much appreciated."

"Guardian Croft, when should I come by your office for my room assignment as well as those files?"

"As soon as you are released here just come across to my office. If I am not there just wait for me I am sure that I will be there shortly."

"Yes sir, Guardian Croft."

"Thank you for talking with us today Guardian Moore."

He kneeled and bowed his head. "You are most welcome your majesty, and I would like to thank you in return. Not only for the reassignment and not releasing me from being a guardian because I didn't know what she was up too, but also for the trust that you have placed in me. If you ever need me for anything, no matter what that is, I will be there gladly."


He stood.

"Thank you again Guardian Moore."

"You are welcome your majesty."

A few moments later Roza, Hans, Alberta, myself and the same four guardians left the room. We were met in the hallway by those who had been in the observation room between the two interrogation rooms.

"Joziah, would you please make a video copy of everything that happened during the interrogation of the former Natasha Ozera. And send it with the laptop and the audio copy of the phone calls, for Guardian Moore to look at and listen to?"

He bowed his head to her, "of course my queen."

Queen Thorn (complete)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя