5 - Quarters

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Authors Note: Yes, I know that the journal has the skyrim symbol on it, but in this reality it doesnt exist! Just....go with it. Also the picture above on the left is a general layout of your quarters, just to show you where the rooms and fireplace are.

Inside of the oak doors is what must have been your great great great great.....many more 'greats' grandmothers home in the castle. In front of you is a large cobblestone walled room, the floors seemingly a cement. It is entirely empty, but there are cobwebs littering the domed roof nearly ten feet above you. Directly ahead of the doors is a fireplace, the same stone as the walls and lacking any sort of wood inside. A window is on each side of the fireplace, revealing the night sky outside.

To the left of the room, which was rather large, is an archway centered in the wall. It looks like that where a door would go, but it lacks one. The right wall mimics the left, though it has a door in the archway. You look into the archway without the door, seeing it was a room exactly the same sixe as the one you stand in now. You close the doors behind you, turning right from the fireplace and towards the dark door on the right.

You grab the handle, which is also shaped as a dragon, and pull it open. Dust pours from the inside of the room, and you cough as you enter.

The room is large, and entirely empty. To your left are two windows, each looking out at the waters surrounding Hogwarts. You frown at the empty quarters, realizing you have nothing to put inside. You groan, walking out of the room and back into the first. You run your hands along the cold stone mantle above the fire pit, collecting dust as you do. You look back to the door, and your eyes narrow as you see a small figurehead above it. A silvery dragon statuette has its claws reaching to the domed ceiling, and you follow its gaze.

In the middle of the dome, a large amythest gem nearly the size of your head glistens in the moodlight entering the quarters. A headache comes to you near your lightning scar, and a seemingly inanimate womans voice whispers in your ear.


Your hand finds its way to your spiral wand, and you point it towards the gem above you. You whisper quietly, but your voice fills the room.


The amythest glows brightly, and a purple beam shoots out from it towards your feet. It quickly dissappears, and you look at the murky floor below you. A black book lays at your feet, a dragon figure centered on its cover. You pick it up in your delicate (s/c) hands, brushing off its dusty cover. You open it to the first withered page, and in elegant cursive are the words 'Spellbook of Meredith Dratheum'. You flip through the pages, and giggle as you come to a chapter titled 'Appearances'. On the following pages are spells invented to clean and decorate, for both yourself and your house.

"Well then, grandmother must have been one for looks." Your eyes flicker across the parchment, and you decide its best to entertain yourself for a bit. You hold your wand out in front of you, seeing a spell that should quickly take care of the dusty appearance of your home.


With that, a white spiral comes from your wand, three ghostly figures appearing in front of you. A standing broom, bucket and towel, and a featherduster. They  quickly get to work. As the apperations clean all three stone rooms, you work your magic to furnish your home.

Eventually, the cleaning supplies disappear, and you have fully furnished the place. You marvel at your work, closing your grandmothers spell book.

The living room, the one with the fireplace, is brightly illuminated by floating candles in the air and a smoldering fire pit. The smooth stone floor has an embroidered purple carpet lain over it, plush black couches with silver claws as feet on top. Silk pillows the color of stormclouds are on the cushions, and a coffee table made of dark oak is in the middle of the three couches. Against the walls are many silver framed pictures, favorites of yours replicated from the muggle world. Over the fire is a rather large portrait of a woman, though you didnt know who she was....nor when you placed the picture there.

The woman is dressed in a loose purple gown, her black hair curling down her back. Brilliant emerald eyes are set in her pale skin, high cheekbones complimenting her thin red lips. She smiles kindly, and you look to her neck to see a silver necklace with a name laying on her chest.

"Hello, Grannie." You smirk, seeing the name Meredith on her necklace. You notice her ear, seeing a small tattoo of a dragon curling on her earlobe.

'Well, we must all have one somewhere...'

You think, looking down at your wrist. You shrug, turning to the room without the door nearby. The room now has dark oak bookshelves on all sides, filled to the brim with novels. The floor was covered by a carpet the same as the living rooms, and black chairs were all over the room. A desk was in the corner, parchment and quills all over it. A piano was in the other corner, the polished keys sparkling in the moonlight. You grin at your work, walking into the bedroom which you adore.

Your bed is in the center of the wall opposite the door, a four poster with (f/c) drapes and a large black blanket. The pillows are huge, their silver color complimenting the bedspread. On the ground is a (f/c) carpet, the circular shape opposite that of the square room. Above the bed on the domed ceiling is a silver chandelier, candles glistening against the glass fractles it held. A wardrobe of dark oak was on the right wall, and a few other choice items were scattered around.

You grin, walking around the luminent room and smiling at it. You then hear a slight cracking sound, to which you turn your head in interest. On the windowsill, something sat that you hadnt quite noticed before.

You walk towards the sound, seeing a small sphere lying on the stone floor where it had rolled from. You crouch next to it, your dark cloak moving with you. The white shell of the item cracks more, and soon enough it bursts open! You gawk at the result, blinking rapidly as you see the beast.

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