30 Day Writing Challenge Day 4:

11 2 22

Places you want to visit

So I'm not really the person to just go out and visit places. I like to stay home, binge-watch my favorite series and stuff chips into me for 12 hours straight.
I actually only ever went to France, Spain and Portugal. And it was only so many because we didn't have the money to take a plane to Lissabon.
So yeah I'm not really the guy to go out and just go to other countries. The concept of not being able to understand others when going out the house makes me uncomfortable. And being an introvert who doesn't even like to talk to others if I can understand them, doesn't really make it that much better....

But I guess there are a couple of places I want to go to sometime.

First of all there is the USA. I mean as you can see, I wouldn't starve to death because I can't commumicate. So yeah.... I always wanted to do a kind of fast food tour through the most common fast food chains and try all of them out.
I'm talking of McDonalds up to Five-Guys and Krispy Kreme.
All of it. I made a list and it is like 30 restaurants long. Not including all the famous things like Pop Tarts you can only get in Walmart or Target or whatever...
I just really like to eat. And the USA is so..... Rich in fat and sugar that I just have to try it out.

The second place I want to visit might seem strange... One of my biggest dreams is to just go out to outer space.
The thought of being secluded from earth and floatig through empty space in an attempt to discover unknown things and be alone in the soltitude of my spaceship always gave me chills of excitement. It just stuck with me from when I first learned about space and how big it is.
I can't really describe what I feel for space and the universe in general....
I guess I might have watched a bit too much Star Trek as a child...

OH btw, who of y'all be excited as heeell cuz of the upcoming Star Trek Series where PATRICK FUKCING STEWARD will be starting Jean-Luc Picard again!??!??
I was just like akfjelakdh when I read about it....

Sigh.... I guess that was enough for today.....
I hope you all got a piece if my mind to understand me a bit better. And if not, also fine with me. Not everyone can be as fantastic as me.

Anyway, grab a cookie on the way out guys! 🍪


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