Moving In

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Jenn had just finished moving all of her bags into the guest room beside Harry's room that was to being turned into her bedroom now. She looked at the bags scattered around the floor and flopped onto the bed. Just then, Niall came walking through the door tripping over one of her bags.

"Whoah. You better get this picked up a little before Liam, Louis, or even Harry sees it. They'll freak. Especially Liam." Niall said as he walked over to the bed to sit down beside Jenn.

"I'll get it later Ni. I'm tired. I've been traveling all day." Jenn said with a sigh.

"Okay. I'm just warning you because now that you've moved in. The same rules and consequences that apply to me also apply to you now. It's not just Harry that can punish you now but Liam and Louis too—and trust me they are very strict and spank hard!" Niall said completely serious. Of course Jenn knew that Liam and Louis kept the boys in line. Both Niall and Harry had complained to her about sore bottoms and strict rules on multiple occasions. Harry had also informed Jenn that all of the boys kept their girlfriends in line as well and that he would spank her if necessary but so far that hasn't happened yet. Probably because until now their relationship had been long distance for the most part with her attending college back home in Georgia and Harry splitting time between London and LA when he wasn't on tour. What Harry didn't know is that I broke several of his silly rules all the time he just didn't know it. That was one of the perks of living in a small town in the south: no paparazzi.

"I know Ni thanks for the warning. I really do appreciate it. Haz already told me that they would be able to spank me too now but he didn't tell me how strict they really were except for when he was complaining to me after one of them had already blistered his bottom. They probably are stricter than Harry. Although, I'm not completely sure how strict Harry actually is yet. I mean he has said that he would spank me if necessary and he has threatened a couple of times but he hasn't actually done it yet. Probably because of the long distance and things not actually making it back to him." Jenn said quietly sitting up and laying her head on Niall's shoulder.

Niall chuckled. "If I know Harry then I'm sure that will change soon. He's very protective and while he doesn't like following the rules himself most of the time. He will definitely make sure that you do. So try to keep yourself out of trouble or you will be complaining to me about a sore bum for a change." Jenn rolled her eyes. "Oh you'll love that won't you Niall."

"A chance to tell you that it's your own fault and that you should've listen to what Liam, Louis, or Harry told you just like you always tell me. Who wouldn't love that?" Niall smirked. "No but really it's no fun and I don't want to see you in trouble. Even if it will be funny to see Haz trying to be strict and discipline someone when he's usually the one being disciplined the most. I'm sure Louis and Liam wouldn't mind too much if you gave him a little hell after everything that he has put them through—especially Louis."

"I'll try to stay out of trouble but I will be glad to give Haz a taste of his own medicine if that's what all of y'all want." Jenn said smiling. Before Niall could answer Harry walked in.

"Liam wants everyone downstairs for a family meeting so that he can go over all of the rules and consequences again for Jenn's benefit." Harry said from the doorway.

"Okay." Niall and Jenn said together while standing up and walking towards the door.

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