18. Esther's Revenge

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"Hello Lynnessa." Esther Mikaelson greeted, a coy smile played at her lips.

Lynn blinked. "It's Lynn."

Esther nodded. "Of course. How utterly rude of me to not know what my new daughter prefers to be called." She moved toward a stone altar that was placed in the center of the Salvatore crypt.

Lynn banged on the invisible barrier keeping her in front of the stone bench. At her incessant banging, Esther shot her a glare. Lynn smirked at this, resting her palms against the invisible wall. 

Her clear green eyes darted from the annoyed old witch and to the candlelight that flickered. Momentarily she lost herself in the dancing flame. The event of how she came to be in Esther's grasp was a bit convoluted. 

All she really recalled was meeting Rebekah in the airport that morning, noticing that her new friend was oddly silent and then waking to find herself meeting Esther. The last time she was in a room with her, Esther had used Elena to bind her children together to kill them. 

It didn't rightly take a rocket scientist to figure out what Esther was doing in Mystic Falls and with Lynn knowing the truth; she'd wager she was going to be the next target to help kill the Originals.

"Incendia." Lynn murmured, watching as the candle flame grew, singeing Esther's hand.

"So my little Kol told you about your true self." Esther smiled, forcing the large flame to a smaller size. She left the altar, picking up a thin dagger and returning to standing before Lynn.

"Should you really use names of endearment?" Lynn scowled. "You know, seeing as you want to go all Michael Myers and kill your family."

"I do not understand that reference." Esther was generally a good sport about Lynn's odd references. 

"But I do find that, regardless, I am still their mother and can address them as anything I wish."

Lynn backed up. "Right. Sure. Why don't you let me go and I'll call them up and let them know you still like them."

"You are rather amusing; I see why my children have grown fond you." Her gaze drifted to Lynn's left hand, peering at the ring. "Some more so than others."

"Do you know Finn is dead?" Lynn changed the conversation. 

She kept her tone somber, she was honestly upset over his death, not for herself but more so of the memory his younger siblings held of him. Esther's gaze was glassy but only for a moment.

"I am aware of the death my child." Esther cleared her throat. "Now, I need a bit of your blood. Garrick blood is always most preferred in this sort of spell."

Lynn stuffed her hands into her pocket. "I'm fresh out of blood, sorry." She shrugged, moving to sit on the stone bench, as far from Esther as she could manage.

"Well, I'll be getting your blood one way or another." Esther smiled. 

Turning she left the old tomb, catching Lynn off guard. After a few minutes, Lynn didn't hear anything but her own heartbeat and breathing. Standing she placed her hands on the barrier once more only to find that it was gone.

"Oh, this is a trap." Lynn groaned, gnawing on the inside of her cheek. "What the hell do I do?"

There was a large chance this was a trap but the small chance of it not being and her escaping to warn everyone seemed more ideal. Then again who would listen to her? If she warned Caroline and the others they'd call her a liar. 

Kol was off in Denver and Jeremy couldn't blow his cover of actually being on her and Kol's side. Klaus was busy with his hybrids and telling Caroline goodbye; the chance of him answering her phone call was slim. It was these moments Lynn wished she just said no. 

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