2. Bench Meeting

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"Bill Forbes was a kind, honorable man."

Lynn was fairly certain that to an extent that wasn't entirely right. Her uncle hated anything that wasn't like him with a burning passion. He refused to see things from another standpoint, to view the world from a window rather than a keyhole.

Still, he was kind to those he loved and when he loved, he loved entirely. He was like a father to Lynn up until she and her mother moved to Maine.

He had bought her, her first car, a mint green hybrid because it was compact and her favorite color. When her mother died and aunt Liz was certain Lynn had healed, uncle Bill had flown out to stay with her an extra weekend.

The following day of his death was the second longest day of Lynn's life. It had knocked her day of transition to third and maybe that was a good thing. Or maybe it wasn't, she didn't quite know what to think or how to feel. Lynn's eyes peered at the closed casket but didn't really see.

The words of the pastor were nothing short of white noise. She was only occasionally able to string together a sentence before she was lost once more. She, along with Aunt Liz had been one of few to attend the funeral. It was small, family and old friends mostly.

Shifting in the front pew, Lynn grew restless. This was the second funeral she attended and she hated it just as much. The silence, the echoing voice, the loud sobs, it was getting to Lynn. Her skin felt as if it had bugs crawling underneath it. It was one of the few rare times she hated what she was. With a pat to Liz's hand, Lynn was gone.

She didn't look back, exiting the church only to find that Caroline and her friends stood crowded around one another. They were dressed for the funeral but it was clear they never intended on entering the church. Lynn crossed the street, only offering a wiggle of her fingers. The sound of Caroline explaining faded the further she got.

Lynn found herself at the park, seated on a bench and basking in the sunlight. She had tucked her emotions into an overstuffed internal filing cabinet and was enjoying the moment. If she learned anything, her life moved in moments.

She hadn't bothered to go home and change from the black dress she wore, she did however kick off the annoying wedges and left them lying on the grass at her feet. She might be a vampire and have great agility, didn't mean she loved the devil's shoes.

"Lynnessa Forbes, as I live and breathe." A very lilted British voice echoed as a slight shift of air stirred.

"Rumors have a funny way of proving to be true." Lynn turned in time to see the man speaking to her. She offered a quirked eyebrow.

"Last I heard you were saving damsels and draining them of their blood." Lynn replied, earning a slow and honest smile.

Niklaus Mikaelson, Original vampire and reason for her still breathing, replied with a faux offended gleam in his blue-green eyes. After only a second the pair laughed and Lynn was wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pulling him into a tight hug.

"I've missed you as well, Lynnessa." Klaus chuckled, hugging back with equal joy.

"Life certainly is duller without you complaining." He was shoved back and his chest slapped.

"Excuse me?" Lynn was offended as she glared at her friend. "You complained just as much as I did in that crappy basement."

"Yes, I'm still curious as to why it took Quinn so long to rescue you." Klaus laughed.

He easily recalled the memory of two years ago in Maine. It had been a fun little vacation he allowed himself. From it was born a lasting friendship and a mediocre tolerance with a few witches and other vampires.

"Maybe because Quinn was too busy tongue punching his latest boy toy." Lynn shook her head. Her vampire friend, Quinn was always with a different guy.

"And what do you mean rescue me? You were stuck just as much as I was." She accused Klaus.

"Please, Lynnessa." Klaus shook his head as he looked to the humans who passed them by. "I will never, nor have I ever, need rescue."

"Because you've gone all hybrid." Lynn nodded. When she received a curious look she laughed.

"Please, word about you spread like wildfire. When I heard you shacked up in Mystic I knew you had gotten what you wanted. What I didn't get was why you didn't go back to New Orleans."

"Ah, now there's a lovely home I once had." Klaus leaned back against the bench and stretched his legs. "Should I be flattered that you've left Maine to see if I was doing well?"

"Flatter yourself if you want, I actually came back because this is my home." Lynn crossed her arms and leaned back as well.

"My uncle died and my cousin's a vampire."

"Not quite the home you recalled." Klaus concluded, knowing she was talking about Caroline.

"You do have my condolences on your uncle." His tone was sincere. Lynn might be the only one earth to trust his honesty when he offered his apologies.

"It's life." Lynn smiled and shook her head. "So, how's your life been? Living it up being a full hybrid?"

She turned, giving him her undivided attention. Klaus's offered her a fleeting look, his mood darkening as he sat up and leaned within a few inches of her.

"My mother, who I thought I killed, has come back and wishes to be a family again. My siblings have all been undaggered and are currently roaming Mystic Falls." Klaus watched as Lynn grew serious, a look she had only in regards to the supernatural.

"I don't think I can lock the entire town inside their homes." Lynn kept her voice low as her eyes left Klaus to peer at all of the poor innocent humans walking about.

"Tell me you won't let things get out of hand like Castine."

"Castine was an unfortunate circumstance. But fear not, my little Lynnessa. My mother intends to meet with Mayor Lockwood later today and come to a truce."

Klaus felt annoyed at Lynn's mention of Castine, Maine. However he brushed it off when she scoffed in his face and stood up.

"No offense but when you hear that a 2,000 year old witch is back from the dead and wants to play house, you don't really trust it."

Lynn picked up her shoes, not caring that she'd have to walk across pavement until she got home. Klaus stood as well, his mild annoyance at her blatant honesty both appreciated and hated.

"You have nothing to fear." Klaus assured her. After a second a thought he clicked his tongue and pressed his hands together. "Perhaps you have one thing to fear."

"Klaus, I swear to god if I have to worry about your family killing what little family I have left, I will stake myself after I stake you." Lynn huffed in annoyance.

"Your family hates mine and seeing as I've done nothing but torture them and am currently using Elena Gilbert's blood to make my hybrids."

Klaus didn't need to go any further. Lynn was a smart girl; she picked up on what he was saying. He received a very hard punch and a frustrated groan as he watched her stomp off.

"Why can't this town be normal?" Lynn muttered angrily. "Maine was shitty enough, why does home have to be the same?"

She came to a stop in the middle of the sidewalk. She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. In truth, she should be thankful Klaus came up to her and let her in on what was going on. It gave her something to focus on other than the loss her family suffered yet again.

Lynn was beginning to think that if you came from Mystic Falls, your life was set to either live miserably or die miserably. Rolling her shoulders, she started forward, wanting to get home and get out of the dress and wedges as soon as possible.

As she walked, she felt the hair on the base of her neck stand on end. It felt like eyes were peering at her. Repressing a shiver, she spun quickly.

Lynn only saw a glimpse of a man with dark hair. A vampire and with her rotten luck, it was more than likely one of Klaus's undaggered siblings.

Turning back around, she was met with nothing but an empty and suddenly eerie street. Before she could go any further, a hand covered her mouth and her neck snapped.

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