13. (Again) A Captive

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When Lynn was a little girl, her dad was murdered. 

She only ever recalled two things about her dad; he called her Lynnessa and always wore a smile just like her mom. 

His smile was something Lynn tried to mimic but only ever appeared like her mom. His smile was magical, not only did it light up the entire room but it fought back all of the bad things. 

It would lift Lynn up and always make her feel as if she could take on anything. When her parents smiled, everything was right in Lynn's world. 

In regards to her name, he was the one who had named her and she could faintly the joy whenever he spoke her name. He never called Lynn or Lynnie, that was her mom, no. Lyndon Garrick took pride in his her name.

Lynn would often ask why he named her something so odd but close to his name. Her mom never told her much outside the fact that she was sucker for his odd traditions. Even at her current age, Lynn never thought enough to dig into her family history on her father's side. 

Not even the odd throw away comment Klaus would make or the odd instant that led to the events of Castine, did she dig. Maybe she should have. 

Maybe she should've pushed harder at her mom to know more but Lynn had been content enough with what she had. That was proving to be the second death of her.

Why was she thinking about her dead parents and the mystery of her actual, legal last name? The fact that she was trapped in a magical barrier, peering at Arden Gray who held up a book with her family name scrawled in archaic latin on the old worn binding. 

It didn't take a genius to know he was holding a grimoire; Lynn had seen a few in her day and always found them old, large and creepy. 

The pain in her body had faded, all thanks to the seven blood bags she downed. She had been mildly surprised to find they weren't laced with vervain; she wouldn't put it past Arden.

Shifting her weight, she stuffed her hands into the jeans of her pockets, continuing to scowl at him. He had used magic to destroy Kol's car and keep her form dying a fiery death. 

With no phone and no way of knowing where she was, Lynn was stuck. It made her skin crawl, images of Castine threatened to drown her, sending her into a pacing frenzy and gnawing on her lower lip so much she permanently tasted blood.

Arden didn't speak and neither did she. Lynn had made it very clear where she stood with him which probably was a good thing seeing as he looked at her with a mix of disgust and pity.

"Do you remember what you told me about your dad?" Arden inquired; opening the grimoire and flipping mindlessly thought it. His mismatched gaze left hers after a moment, now focused on the book. 

"You said he was killed by a mugger when you were only four. I felt really bad because they never caught the guy and your mom never told you anything about him. Not really."

Lynn huffed. "Let me guess," She drawled. "You did some digging and found out that he wasn't killed by some human but by something supernatural."

Arden laughed humorlessly. "That's exactly what I found." 

He glanced at her long enough to see the honest shock fill her clear green eyes. It was clear she hadn't meant her words, the trauma of her mother's death, the true nature of her death, was evident. 

Castine haunted Arden as well and perhaps that was why he pulled his gaze from hers. Lynn hadn't been the only one to lose her mother that night, Arden lost his entire coven.

"Why does it even matter?" Lynn bit out, snapping out of her shock and glaring. "He's dead along with my mom. There's no point in bringing up the past." 

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