Chapter - Two

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Hey everyone! Here it is chapter two! Thank you all so much for voting! Sorry for the errors in advance. Its late and I don't feel like rereading. I will do all that when I finish the story well enjoy o and sorry its so short. It was longer but I decided to divide it into two parts. I write to give entertainment. Hope this entertains you lol.







I woke up the next morning feeling a little happier than last night. I will go to school and try to hold my head high or maybe I'll just keep my head down. I hope to stay invisible today but I don't think I'll be that lucky.

I got out of bed and got in the shower. I washed my hair and let the warm water run down my back. It felt so nice on my skin I didn't want to get out but I had to go to school. I got out the shower wrapped a towel around my body and blow dried my hair. I throw it in a ponytail and went to my room in search of an outfit.

I went to my closet and decided on a black v cut t-shirt and blue jeans and my black tennis shoes. I did all my homework last night so I had none to do today. I just grabbed my book bag and headed to my car. I got in and put on my seat belt. I put the key in the ignition turned it and let the engine roar to life.

I drove to school in silent. I wasn't in the mood to listen to music so I didn't. I kept thinking about what was to come when I got there. I was finally at school. I parked the car grabbed my book bag and got out of the car.

"Fat ass, get over here!" I heard someone say then foot step's coming my way and very fast might I add. I turned around and stared directly at Amy.

"I heard you tried to tell Brianna about me and Wyatt. Ha! And it back fired on your fat ass! So I'm warning you. Try that shit again and me and my wolf will kick your fat ass! Got it?" I said nothing. I was speechless so I just nodded my head.

'As if she could beat us, she's no bigger than a celery stick!' My wolf growled.

'I know right!' I said back to my wolf but we both knew I wouldn't try to take Amy on. I just didn't have the confidence and self-esteem to stand up for myself. My wolf sighed in frustration.

"O and I will continue to have my way with him so deal with it. What your sister won't do for Wyatt another woman will. Someone has to keep Wyatt satisfied and I'm more than happy to do the job. I might even steal him from Brianna. HA! And she doesn't have a clue. You just stay out of my way. And for the health of my eyes put some make-up on or something! You look like a wildebeest! Not that it will help with you being fat as hell." She laughed and walked away.

I held back the tears that were about to fall and my wolf mentally slapped me.

'Don't you dear shade a tear on her! She won't get us down!' I agreed with my wolf but didn't respond to her.

I walked in the school and to my locker to drop off my book bag and only grabbing my book for my next class. I walked to my French class with my head down not wanting to draw attention to myself or make eye contact with anyone else. My attempts were in vein. Will I ever be left alone?

"Hey lard ass! A word please?" I heard everyone laugh. It was none other than Chase the beta of our pack and Wyatt's best friend. I guess the word got out that I called Wyatt a cheater, which he is! Chase walked over to me telling his crow to wait there.

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