Chapter - Six

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Sorry everyone for any errors I will go back and fix them when the book is complete. Thanks for reading


It has been 7 days now and I was going crazy in this house alone with no Neal. They had food in here to feed three people for a month, but I didn’t eat at all. Lust had completely taken over my body and my mind.

All I could think about was Neal, and licking chocolate sauce off his rock hard abs. I wanted to sex him up. And for an entire week that’s all I could think about. I had been going crazy for him.

The only thing my wolf would let me do is sleep, take cold showers and lust over Neal. I promise I was going crazy without Neal. I stayed naked the whole time I was in the house and shifted into my silver color wolf.

She came out every day so there was no point in keeping clothes on. Plus we ripped our clothes up and me nor my wolf had any interest of finding new clothes. The only thing we were interested in was finding Neal.

I let my wolf run free around the house I was locked in. We tried every possible way of escaping but nothing worked at all. At around 4 o’clock every day I could smell Neal and my wolf would go even crazier and she would force herself lose.

On the 8th day of my imprisonment my heat was starting to go down. My body was cooling itself off and I was beginning to feel normal again.

At around 1 o’clock on the 8th day I started to take in my surroundings. The house was so big. All the walls were white and the floor had soft pink carpet on it. There was a huge kitchen and an upstairs with three bed rooms and a full bathroom.

There was also a basement with a bathroom in it. I was sorry to say my wolf did a number on their couch but that serves them right for locking me up in this house alone.

All of a sudden it hit me. I KISSED A TOTAL STRANGER!? And I yelled at people? That was so not like me. Wait and the guy… he… kissed me back? WHAT GUY IN THERE RIGHT MIND WOULD KISS ME BACK? I decided that the only reason he kissed me back was because of the smell of my heat.

I decided to take a shower and wash the remaining smell of my heat away. Even though I was slowly calming down I wanted to speed up the process with some cold water. I hopped in the shower after turning on the cold water. I washed my body and hopped out. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body.

It wasn’t until after I got out the cold shower that I realized the air conditioning in the house was on full blast for the entire time I was in here. It was freezing cold in the house. I hurried and turned the cold air off once I found the thermostat.

Then I realized something else. MY CAR! MY KEY! WHERE THE HELL IS ALL MY STUFF? Wait forget that! I forgot all about the hotel room! All my stuff is at the hotel room! And I was supposed to check out yesterday! I needed to get the hell out of this house. I had no cell phone with me. What the hell to do now?

I searched the house for my things three times and found nothing. But I did find a house phone in the kitchen. The house phone had a number next to it taped to the counter and a note that said ‘Dial this number when your heat is over’. I picked up the phone and dialed the number.




Ugh will someone hurry and pick up already! Just as I was about to hang up, someone picked up the phone.

“Hello Haylee, I see you finally calmed down enough to notice the phone.” A girl said in a smart ass way.

“Um yeah I guess. Who the hell is this?” I questioned.

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